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The Godfather Part II 教父2
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/29 15:55  国际在线


《The Godfather Part II》(教父2)片段
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  The continuing saga of the Corleone crime family tells the story of a young Vito Corleone growing up in Sicily and in 1910s New York; and follows Michael Corleone in the 1950s as he attempts to expand the family business into Las Vegas, Hollywood and Cuba.


  Woman: Come on in! It's all right. Come on. Hyman's in there. I was just making some lunch. Would you like a tuna sandwich?

  Michael: Uh, no, thank you.

  Michael: Mr. Roth?

  Mr.Roth: Come in, Michael. Sit down, make yourself comfortable. It's almost over. You follow the football game?

  Michael: Not for a while I haven't.

  Mr. Roth: I enjoy watching football in the afternoon. One of the things I love about this country. Baseball too. I love baseball...ever since Arnold Rothstein fixed the World Series in 1919. I heard you had some trouble. Stupid. People behaving like that with guns. The important thing is, you're all right. Good health. The most important thing. More than success. More than money. More than power.

  Michael: I came here because there's gonna be more bloodshed. I want you to know about this before it happens...so that there's no danger of starting another war.

  Mr. Roth: Nobody wants another war.

  Michael: Frank Pentangeli came to my home and he asked my permission...to get rid of the Rosato Brothers. When I refused, he tried to have me killed. He was stupid. I was lucky. I'll visit him soon. The important thing is that nothing interfere...with our plans for the future. Yours and mine.

  Mr. Roth: Nothing is more important.

  Michael: Good.

  Mr. Roth: You're a wise and considerable young man.

  Michael: And you're a great man, Mr. Roth. There's much I can learn from you.

  Mr. Roth: Whatever I can do, Michael.

  Woman: Excuse me. Lunch.

  Michael: Oh.

  Woman: Hyman, you're gonna break my eardrums. OK, enjoy it.

  Mr. Roth: Thanks. You're young and I'm old and sick. What we'll do together in

  the next few months...will make history, Michael. History. It's never been done before. Not even your father would dream that such a thing could be possible.

  Michael: And Pentangeli is a dead man. You don't object?

  Mr. Roth: He's small potatoes.


  1. You follow the football game? 你一直都看橄榄球比赛吗?

  在课堂用语中,可以说Do you follow me? 表示“你们听懂了吗?能跟上我的思路吗?”

  2. More than success. More than money....

  补充完整就是Good health is more important than sucess, than money...

  3. get rid of 除掉、去掉

  例句:You are supposed to get rid of carelessness.


  4. I'll visit him soon. 这里指Michael要对仇人进行报复。

  5. make history 创造历史, 做出永垂史册的事业, 影响历史进程的大事

  6. He's small potatoes. 他只是个小人物。

  small potatoes 小人物,微不足道的人或物,是非正式用法。

  big potatoes 大人物,重要的人物  

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