俄钢铁帝国缔造者阿布拉莫夫发迹史 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/02 18:47 国际在线 |
Alexander Abramov has quietly built a steelmaking empire from the ground up. He's already one of Russia's richest businessmen, with a personal fortune of $2.6 billion, according to an annual ranking by Forbes magazine. He owns and manages one of Russia's largest companies, with 125,000 employees, revenues of $5.9 billion, and net profits of $1 billion last year. Yet even in his native Russia, Alexander Abramov, the CEO of EvrazHolding, Russia's No. 1 steelmaker, is little known. Maybe that's because, in contrast with the better-known "oligarchs" who acquired massive wealth and notoriety during the privatizations of the 1990s, Abramov, 46, represents a new wave of Russian tycoons who prefer to steer clear of politicians and the Kremlin. Instead of exploiting political connections, he has quietly built a business empire from the ground up, raising its value via canny acquisitions, long-term investments, and sound management. Evraz, which recorded 300% earnings growth last year, is set to go public on the London Stock Exchange in June, raising up to $500 million. Abramov declined to speak to BusinessWeek for this article, citing legal restrictions related to the IPO. Abramov's low profile also reflects his quiet, academic personality. A graduate of the Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology (MIPT), he began his career as a research physicist, specializing in metals. But with the collapse of research funding in the early 1990s, Abramov and a group of fellow MIPT graduates decided to launch their own business. His scientific work had given him contacts in steel, so Abramov became a metals trader, securing supplies at a time of widespread payment problems. His sharp scientific mind was ideal for tackling the intricacies of Russia's convoluted supply chains. By the late '90s, Abramov had an opportunity to acquire ownership stakes in two bankrupt steel mills, which became the core of the new EvrazHolding. Years of underinvestment, outdated technology, and poor management had left them crippled with debt. Abramov, a major supplier and therefore a creditor, chose to swap their debt for equity, buying additional debt from other creditors. He appointed new managers and made good on promises to pay taxes and wages. In the following years he reinvested profits to renovate the plants, raised additional money through bond issues, and replaced outdated open-hearth furnaces with modern production technologies. "These are real turnaround companies. They couldn't have been much worse [before Evraz acquired them]," says Timothy McCutcheon, a metals analyst at investment bank Aton Capital in Moscow. Evraz plans to use the proceeds of the IPO on further plant modernizations and acquisitions. It already has debt of $1.3 billion, but with a debt-equity ratio of around 50%, Evraz's balance sheet is still fairly healthy. Of course, Evraz's swelling earnings have been helped mightily by high global metals prices. Around 50% of output is exported, particularly to China and other East Asian markets, where there is strong demand for construction materials. If Asia's boom stutters or steel prices fall sharply from their current peak, Evraz will feel the pinch. Still, according to Maxim Matveev, metals analyst at Russia's Alfa Bank, steel prices would have to dive by 40% to 50% before Evraz would go into the red, an outcome few analysts predict. Already the world's 12th-largest steelmaker, Evraz is looking at international expansion, eyeing targets in countries including the Czech Republic and South Korea. Abramov's story shows that you don't have to be an oligarch to succeed in Russia. |
俄钢铁帝国缔造者阿布拉莫夫发迹史 |
阿里克桑德·阿布拉莫夫是俄罗斯第一大钢铁制造公司耶弗拉兹控股集团的首席执行官,同时也是俄罗斯最富有的商人之一,他手下员工数量达到12.5万人,去年的营收额为59亿美元,净利润达到10亿美元。据《福布斯》杂志的年度排行,阿布拉莫夫的个人资产已经达到26亿美元。然而即使在自己的祖国,阿布拉莫夫的名字仍然不被大多数人所熟知。 据美国《商业周刊》网站日前报道,上个世纪90年代的时候,随着俄罗斯快速私有化进程,俄罗斯形成了各种官僚垄断集团。这个巨富的群体被称为“新资产阶级”,他们的代表人物则被视为“寡头”。与这些聚拢了俄罗斯大量财富和知名度的“寡头”不同的是,现年46岁的阿里克桑德·阿布拉莫夫则是俄罗斯新一代商业大亨的代表。他们往往倾向于把自己的生意和政治家们脱离开来。不同于利用政治联系扩大自己的势利,通过精明地收购、长线投资、以及明智地管理等商业手段,阿布拉莫夫已经悄悄地在俄罗斯大陆上建立起了自己的商业帝国。耶弗拉兹控股集团去年的收益增长率甚至达到了令人咋舌的300%,并且计划今年6月在伦敦股票交易市场上市。 阿布拉莫夫的低调也折射出了他安静的特点。他毕业于莫斯科理工学院,刚刚毕业的时候他的职业为物理学研究员,主攻方向为金属学。但是在上个世纪90年代初期,因为研究经费的短缺,阿布拉莫夫和一些同为莫斯科理工学院的毕业生们决定开始自己的生意。因为一直从事金属方面的研究,阿布拉莫夫成为了一名金属交易员。长期的科研生涯为阿布拉莫夫造就了出众的理性思维,这也帮助他在当时俄罗斯错综复杂的金属供货链运作中显得更加游刃有余。 上世纪90年代晚期,阿布拉莫夫遇到了两次绝佳的机会,收购了两家濒临破产的钢铁厂,而这两家公司如今已经成为了弗拉兹控股集团的核心企业。但是,由于长期缺乏资金,技术过时以及管理手段拙劣等原因,这两家公司背负了大量的债务。然而作为公司主要的供货商,阿布拉莫夫这一次扮演了债权人的角色,他选择了以股票的方式抹去了两家公司的债务,并且向其它债权人收购回了两家公司的其它债务,因此,阿布拉莫夫名正言顺地成为了公司的大股东。在接下来的时间里,他首先任命了新的管理者,并且承诺支付税收和员工薪水。在后来的几年中,阿布拉莫夫再次将公司的盈利投入到厂房的更新中,并且以债券的形式募集到更多资金,将过时的平炉技术更新为了当时最现代的生产技术。 然而,阿布拉莫夫前进的步伐还远没有停止,耶弗拉兹控股集团计划通过上市募集到更多的资金,完成厂房的现代化改造,并且继续进行收购行动。目前,集团的总负债额为13亿美元,不过自有资金负债率已经达到了50%,因此耶弗拉兹目前还处于平衡的健康状态。当然,耶弗拉兹收入的飙升很大程度上源于全球金属价格的总体攀升。据统计,钢铁公司50%的产品主要用于出口,主要的出口地区为中国以及其它东亚市场,这些地区对于建筑材料的需求量十分强劲。因此如果亚洲的快速发展减缓脚步,或者钢材价格从现在的颠峰状态急速下滑,那么毫无疑问耶弗拉兹的日子就不会如此好过了。不过根据俄罗斯阿尔法银行的分析家马克西姆·马特夫预测,目前的钢材价格只有下滑幅度达到40%或者50%之后,才会让耶弗拉兹真正陷入亏损的境地,当然大多数分析家也不认为这种现象会出现。 目前,耶弗拉兹集团已经成为了世界上第12大钢铁制造商,阿布拉莫夫也将目光投向了国际市场,例如捷克共和国和韩国等。当然阿布拉莫夫的成功也清楚地告诉人们,在俄罗斯并不是只有寡头才能成为富翁。(文/李远) |
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