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Barcelona discords exposed
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/02 18:57  Shanghai Daily

  Barely two weeks after Barcelona won the league title, the resignation of director Jordi Mones has exposed divisions over the way president Joan Laporta is running the club.

  Mones said that he had quit his post because of the authoritarian way in which the club was being run. "There has been an unwillingness to accept anyone who has voiced any disagreements," Mones was quoted as saying by the Spanish media yesterday. "Disagreements with the president have been confused with disloyalty to the club.

  "I find it very difficult to recognize the Joan Laporta of today with the man I knew two years ago. I remain faithful to the project we stood for but it has been changed and that is why I have decided to stand aside."

  Barca Vice President Sandro Rosell, the man responsible for bringing Ronaldinho to the club in 2003, also said last week he might resign at the end of June after falling out with Laporta.

  Both Rosell and Mones are reported in Spanish media to be upset about the degree of influence former player and coach Johan Cruyff has on Laporta even though the Dutchman is not a member of the board.


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