4岁男孩迪斯尼太空游戏后离奇死亡 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/16 19:37 国际在线 |
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An autopsy on a 4-year-old boy who died after passing out on a Walt Disney World spaceship ride found no trauma, and more tests will be conducted to determine a cause of death, officials said. Daudi Bamuwamye of Sellersville, Pa., passed out Monday on the "Mission: Space" ride, which simulates a rocket launch and trip to Mars. The attraction is so intense that it has motion sickness bags and several riders have been treated for chest pain. During the ride, Daudi's mother, Agnes, noticed that his body was rigid and that his legs were stretched straight out, but she thought he was just frightened, according to a sheriff's report. When the ride ended, the victim was limp and unresponsive, and he could not be revived. An autopsy Tuesday showed no trauma so further tests will be conducted. A cause of death may not be known for several weeks, said Sheri Blanton, a spokeswoman for the medical examiner in Orlando. "Now it's going to be a matter of, 'If it wasn't trauma, what did it?'" Blanton said. The ride was closed after the death but reopened Tuesday after Disney World engineers concluded that it was operating normally. No changes were made to the ride or to rules regulating who can ride it. "We believe the ride is safe in its current configuration," Disney spokeswoman Jacquee Polak said. The sheriff's office said the boy met the ride's minimum 44-inch height limit. More than 8.6 million visitors have gone on "Mission: Space" since it opened in 2003, Polak said. Elsewhere, another heavily promoted, scary theme park ride was shut down last week. The Kingda Ka roller coaster at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, N.J., billed as the world's fastest when it opened to the public last month, was closed June 8 after it malfunctioned during a test when no one was aboard. On Tuesday, park officials determined that a piece of liner covering an area under the coaster's tracks had dislodged and "damaged a number of other parts," spokeswoman Kristin Siebeneicher told the Asbury Park (N.J.) Press. Siebeneicher said the park is trying to identify the problem to make sure it does not recur. |
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4岁男孩迪斯尼太空游戏后离奇死亡 |
日前,美国一名4岁男孩在佛罗里达州迪斯尼乐园乘坐太空飞船后死亡。法医表示,其死因尚不明确。 据美联社6月15日报道,来自宾夕法尼亚州的4岁男孩达乌迪在迪斯尼爱普卡特中心公园乘坐了“太空任务”游戏的飞船。达乌迪母亲介绍说,孩子最初在“太空飞船”里没有任何异常反应,但后来他身体有些僵硬,并伸直了四肢,这可能是由于游戏太过激烈引起。母亲还说,她以为他害怕,就抓紧了他的手。游戏结束后,达乌迪四肢发软且反应迟钝。随后,爱普卡特中心公园的工作人员对达乌迪其进行了急救,但达乌迪还是在被送到附近医院后死亡。达乌迪母亲表示,孩子没有任何病史。 调查人员指出,死者已经达到参与“太空任务”游戏的1.12米的最低身高标准。调查人员检查了死者当时与母亲和8岁的姐姐乘坐的太空飞船,但没有发现任何可能导致死者出现异常情况的线索,所以无法解释他的死因。14日,法医在对达乌迪进行了尸体解剖后表示,死者身上没有发现任何外伤痕迹,但由于尸检还要持续数周,目前无法断定其死因。 迪斯尼乐园发言人指出,“太空任务”游戏项目在13日事故发生后停止,并于14日早晨又恢复营业。除此之外,迪斯尼拒绝就此事发表任何意见。 报道说,耗资1亿美元的“太空任务”是迪斯尼乐园科技含量最高的游戏项目。通过旋转地心引力模拟出火箭发射时太空舱内的感受,并在“火箭”升空后开始一个虚拟的火星之旅。游玩者可以亲历到瞬间失重感。但许多游客表示,事后都有恶心不适。(文/蒋黎黎) |
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