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虎胆龙威3--纽约大劫案 Die Hard III
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/07/05 18:04  国际在线


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《虎胆龙威3--纽约大劫案》Die Hard III 影片海报



  Things aren't going well for John McClane: his marriage is breaking up, he's been suspended from the force and now the brother of Hans Gruber, the German terrorist he threw off a building a few years back, is threatening to blow up a school if McClane doesn't run around the city solving his demeaning and dangerous puzzles. With the help of Zeus, a Harlem electrician, McClane discovers Gruber's plot to distract the NYPD while he clears the federal bank of billions of dollars of gold.


  Zeus: Woah! Is that a bomb?

  John: Yeah. Go ahead and grab it!

  Zeus: No. You're the cop!

  John: Well, Simon says you're supposed to be helpin' with this!

  Zeus: I'm helpin'.

  John: Well, when are you gonna start helpin'?

  Zus: After you get the bomb.

  Zeus: Careful.

  John: I'm bein' careful!

  Zus: Don't open.

  John: What? I gotta open it. It's gonna be all right.

  Zeus: Shit! I told you not to open it!

  Simon: I trust you see the message? It has a proximity circuit(无线电引爆电路). So, please don't run.

  John: Yeah, I got it. We're not gonna run.How do we turn this thing off?

  Simon: On the fountain there should be two jugs. Do you see them? A five gallon jug and a three gallon jug. Fill one of the jug with exactly four gallons of water... and place it on the scale and the time will stop. You must be precise. One ounce more or less will result in detonation(炸弹引爆). If you're still alive in five minutes, we'll speak again.

  John: Wait! Wait a sec.!

  John: I don't get it. Do you get it?

  Zeus: No.

  John: Get the jugs.

  John: Obviously we can't fill the 3 gallon jug with four gallons of water, right?

  Zeus: Obviously.

  John: All right, I know. Here we go. We fill the three gallon jug exactly to the top, right? OK, now we pour that three gallons into the 5 gallon jug. Giving us exactly three gallons in the 5 gallon jug. Right?

  Zeus: Right, then what?

  John: OK, now we take the 3 gallon jug and fill that a third of the way up.

  Zeus: No, No. No. He said "Be precise". Exactly four gallons.

  John: Every cop in fifty miles is runnin' his ass off, and I'm out here playing kids' games in the park!

  Zeus: Hey! You wanna focus on the problem at hand?

  John: What are you sayin', you knew! You said don't say anything, if you don't know. I thought you said... Give me the fuckin' jug!

  Zeus: No!

  John: We're starting over! Pour that out!

  Zeus: No, we can't start over.

  John: We're starting over.

  Zeus: We can't start over.

  John: I'll put my foot up your ass you dumb little mother...

  Zeus: Say it! Say it!

  John: What?

  Zeus: You were gonna call me a nigger, weren't you?

  John: No, I wasn't!

  Zeus: Yes, you were! What were you gonna call me?

  John: Asshole! How's that, asshole? You got some fuckin' problem, because I'm white, Zeus? Is that it, huh? Have I oppressed you? Have I oppressed your people somehow? I'll tell you what your problem is. You don't like me because you're racist!

  Zeus: What?

  John: You're a racist! You don't like me because I'm white!

  Zeus: I don't like you because you're gonna get me killed! Now, how much time? Oh shit! We got less than a minute! Throw this thing away!

  John: Look, we can't take it off there it'll detonate(引爆)! Just wait! wait a second! I got it! I got it! Exactly two gallons in here, right?

  Zeus: Right.

  John: Leaving exactly one gallon of empty space, right?

  Zeus: Yeah.

  John: A full five gallons here, right?

  Zeus: Right.

  John: You pour one gallon outta five gallons into there. We have exactly four gallons.

  Zeus: Four gallons! Yeah, get it in there. Come on!

  John: Come on! Don't , don't spill it!

  Both: Good! Good! Good!

  John: We got it! We got exactly four gallons!

  Zeus: You did it, McClane!

  John: Put it on the thing! Get it down there!


  1. 口语当中用cop这个词来表示警察比较常用。

  2. Wait a sec.! sec.是second的缩写,口语中常用。

  3. run someone's ass off 是一句俚语,指某人奋力去完成某件事情。

  4. John和 Zeus是怎样精确地倒出4加仑水的?你可以自己动手试一试.

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