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英文金曲:Sitting Down Here
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/07/29 16:25  国际在线


  1. cut原来指“切、割、坎,剪”,这里引申了一下,是说对方的话另自己心如刀割。

  2. distance 表示“距离,间距”,比如说,It's a great distance from here. 离这里很远。我们还可以说,It's some distance from here. 离这里相当远。It's no distance from here. 离这里不远。distance还表示“远处,远方”,例如,At a distance of six miles you can't see much. 距离六英里以外的东西很难看清。I can't hit the target at that distance. 距离那么远我可打不中目标。distance也可以用来表示“人际关系的冷淡、疏远”,I think his distance is a result of shyness. 我想他冷淡的态度是因为他很腼腆。

  3. be obsessed with sth 这个短语的意思是“使某人困扰,牵挂或者着迷”,比如说,She's obsessed with the fear of unemployment. 他老是害怕失业。She was obsessed with the idea that she was being watched. 她总觉得有人在监视她,心神不宁。

  4. a couple补充完整了就是a couple of people,表示“一些人”。

  5. get to sb表示“使某人恼怒或者生气;影响某人”,在口语中很常用,比如说,Her constant nagging is beginning to get to him. 她不停的唠叨惹得他生起气来。

  6. get/have/take one's revenge on sb for sth,这个用法表示“报仇,复仇”,比如说,They swore to take their revenge on the kidnappers. 他们发誓要向绑架者复仇。

  7. kinda 是kind of 在口语中的缩略形式。

  8. stay在这里作名词,表示“停留,逗留;逗留时间”,我们来举一个例子,I met Robert during my stay with my uncle. 我在叔叔家做客的时候认识了Robert。

  9. shadow表示“阴影,影子”,比如说,The chair casts a shadow on the wall. 椅子的影子映在了墙上。Shadows are longer when the sun is low in the sky. 太阳很低的时候,物体的影子会很长。

  10. avoid表示“躲开,躲避某人某事物”,比如说,I think he's avoiding me. 我觉得他是在躲着我。

  11. call sb up 这个词组表示“给某人打电话”。I'll call you up the first thing tomorrow morning. 我明天早上第一件事就是给你打电话。

  12. loser就是指“失败的人,差劲的人”,比如说,Tom is a born loser. Tom是一个天生的庸才。

  13. care的意思是“在乎,关心”,常和介词about连用,比如说,He failed the exam but he didn't seem to care. 他考试不及格却似乎并不在乎。She doesn't care what happens to her children. 她并不关心她的孩子们发生了什么事。

  14. be aware,“知道某事”,一般后面都有一个介词of,比如说,I don't think you're aware how much this means to me. 你不知道这对我来说有多么重要。Are you aware of the time? 你知道现在都什么时候了?

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