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Moscow to Join Tallest Tower Club
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/07/30 14:22  国际在线



  A Chinese construction firm has signed a deal to build an 87-storey tower in Moscow, which the developers say will be the tallest in Europe.

  A Chinese construction firm has signed a deal to build an 87-storey tower in Moscow, which the developers say will be the tallest in Europe.

  A Turkish firm - Ant Yapi - is already building the foundations for the $530m (£305m) Federation Complex.

  The tower will soar to 340 metres (1,115 feet), attached to a stiletto -like central spire.

  There will be a neighbouring 53-storey tower.

  The complex will house offices, luxury flats, a hotel and leisure facilities.

  The developer, Russia's Mirax Group, says the glass-clad towers will have state-of-the-art design features which will protect them against any 9/11-style terrorist attack.

  "Regardless of how many planes hit it, it won't fall down," said Mirax president Sergei Polonsky, quoted by the Associated Press.

  Mirax signed a construction contract in Beijing on Monday with the Chinese Engineering Construction Corporation. The work is expected to take two years.

  The skyscraper was designed by German architects Peter Schweger and Sergei Tchoban. They say the structure will be fire-resistant for 10 hours.

  Currently the tallest building in Europe is Frankfurt's 260-metre Commerzbank tower.

  Funding for the project came from Vneshtorgbank, which will occupy 30 storeys of the tallest skyscraper. Ten other major Russian firms will also have offices in the building.

  The Hyatt hotel chain plans to turn 44 floors into a five-star hotel.



  土耳其Ant Yapi公司目前已经开始为这座预计将耗资5.3亿美元(约合3.05亿英镑)的联邦大厦铺设地基。该建筑物高度将达到340米(约合1115英尺),顶部是一剑状金属柱,旁边还有一座53层楼高的塔楼。摩天大楼内设办公室、豪华公寓、酒店及其它休闲设施。









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