《天使的翅膀》第二章 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/01 15:39 湖北少年儿童出版社 |
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I began to drift casually towards the gates with the others, hoping I didn't iook as lost and panicky as I felt. All the other kids seemed really chilled, kidding about and flirting, which I found quite reassuring. I remember thinking that if I HAD been worried about it being a school for actual angels (which obviously I wasn't), the flirting would definitely have put my mind at rest. Also their clothes, which were totally up to the minute. There wasn't a long white nightie in sight. I did notice that everyone's cool fleeces and other stuff had that same little angel logo. Imagine that, Mel, I thought. A designer tag you don't know about! One of the girls had this big throaty laugh, which started down in her boots. She was a real daddy-long-legs, like me. Everything about her zinged with energy: her springy black hair, her tough-girl walk. I sneakily attached myself to her, trying to act like I just happened to be going the same way. But on the other side of the gates, I nearly blew my street cred once and for all. I ought to explain that my old school was pretty much your standard comprehensive hell-hole. But this was practically a palace, with gorgeous gardens and domes and spires. Yeah, but it's still school, I thought darkly. We were hurrying along a shady walkway. You could see it was really ancient. The stone slabs had actual hollows worn into them by centuries of passing feet. One of my shoes accidentally slipped into a shiny long-ago footprint, and a shiver went through me. It fitted exactly. The girl gave me a funny look. "Angel vibes," she said. "You get used to them." But I didn't really register what she said because suddenly I'd got the strangest feeling. "Do I know you, or something?" I blurted. The girl froze in her tracks. Now look what you've done, I scolded myself. She's going to have you down as some needy little groupie. But she was staring at me with a stunned expression. "Weird," she whispered. "1 was just thinking the same thing." She took a big breath. "I'm Lola." "I'm Melanie," I whispered back. 我跟在其他孩子后面,向校门口走去!希望没有人看到我胆小鬼的表情。 那些小孩子似乎都很开心,他们一边开着玩笑,一边打打闹闹。 我终于可以放心了。 看来这里不是天堂,这些孩子也不是天使。 天使可不会像他们这样疯闹。 天使也不会像他们一样,穿着最时尚的衣服,天使都是穿白长袍的啊! 不过,奇怪的是,在他们的衣服上,都有一个小天使的标识,就跟刚才我在校门口看到的标识一模一样。 我安慰着自己: 别大惊小怪了,小美,这不过就是一个服装的牌子而已,只是你以前不知道罢了。它根本说明不了什么问题。虽然你很时尚,但是这个世界上,总有你不知道的品牌,对吧? 离我不远的地方,有个女孩在那儿大笑,笑声都快把地面震动了。 她和我一样,双腿修长,浑身上下充满了活力:一头乌黑卷曲的头发,走起路来就像男孩子一样,帅得要命! 我悄悄地靠近她,和她并排走着,装出碰巧同路的样子。 一进学校大门,我不禁“哇——”地叫出了声,眼前的情景,让我太吃惊了,甚至都忘了摆我平时上街最爱摆的莆士。 现在,我有必要插播一下我原来学校的情况,那个学校,简直是人间地狱,其程度远远超过你能理解的范围! 与原来的学校相比,我眼前的这个简直就是一座皇宫,它居然有着超级漂亮的大花园,还有像童话中那样或圆或尖的屋顶。 “不过就算像皇宫,它总还是所学校。” 我撇了撇嘴。 我还是和那个女孩并排走着,我们的脚步迈得很快。 脚下的人行道,看得出来非常古老,一定有好几百年历史了吧!来来往往的行人已经把地面的石板踩出了一个个的脚印。 我的一只脚,一不小心滑进了其中一个锃亮的脚印中,顿时浑身一颤,就像通了电流一样。 怎么回事,感觉好舒服好奇特! 旁边的女孩朝我看了一眼,说: “这是天使电流,你被它给电到啦,不过以后你会习惯的。” 她的话,怪怪的,不过我来不及琢磨,因为在看清楚她的样子后,另外一个更奇怪的感觉抓住了我。 我牢牢地盯着她,冲口而出: “我一定是认得你吧!我觉得,以前肯定是在哪里看到过你!” 女孩愣住了。 我后悔得肠子都快青了:小美,瞧你都干了什么啊!怎么这么冒昧呢?她肯定会看轻你,把你当作那些随随便便喜欢跟人套近乎的女孩吧! 谁知她目瞪口呆地看着我,低声叫了起来: “不会吧,我也在想同样的问题呢!我也觉得你看起来很面熟,这可太奇怪啦!” 她深吸一口气,接着说: “我呢,叫罗拉。” 我轻轻地说: “我叫美兰妮。” |
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