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Barking dogs annoy residents
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/12 18:18  Shanghai Daily

  Nearly 100 families living in a community in Hongkou District are complaining about the noise from a pet clinic that recently opened close to their homes, but a series of government departments say there is nothing they can do about the problem.

  The clinic was set up in the Hengye Apartment Complex on Hengye Road last month. It was quiet for the first few days, but nearby residents began complaining about the barking on August 1.

  It became worse this week, as the barking became "abnormal and scary," said Zheng Jiaxiang, whose apartment faces the clinic.

  "It sounds like a howling ghost. It woke us up, and frightened my granddaughter into crying on Monday night," complained the 64-year-old, adding the noise can be heard even if he shuts the window tightly.

  Wang Guisheng, chief of the community security team, said the barking sometimes scares him on patrol at night.

  "It suddenly rings through the dark, like a horror movie."

  The pet hospital is a two-story building with three windows facing the residential area. The first floor houses dozens of cages with about 20 dogs in them.

  The property management company has received about 20 complaints this month. "We have sent five letters to government departments we believe are concerned, as we have no right to close the clinic," said Xu Yongjun, who works for the property management company.

  Xu said the clinic isn't licensed.

  But the hospital claimed it hasn't formally opened yet. "We are now in the preparation stage. The dogs in the hospital all belong to our staff," said vet Wu Xiaoping. According to Wu, the clinic received several sick dogs on Monday that caused all of the barking.

  Officials with the Hongkou District Environmental Protection Bureau said the barking is beyond their control. "We are only in charge of noise from machines that are controllable," said an official with the bureau.

  The district Industrial and Commercial Administrative Bureau said it is checking the clinic's license, but won't close it down. "We can only suspend its operation for some time for it to apply for our license. But there's no rules for us to ban it from opening," said an official.


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