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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/26 10:17  精品购物指南

  *I wonder if the prof took attendance already.

  prof=professor,take attendance 点名。

  *God, I only missed two classes and I'm already out of it.

  be out of it 是跟不上的意思,所以得 catch up with them ASAP

  *Hey, I got the whole info from the upperclassman.

  info=information, upperclassman 学长,也可能学长为seniors或 older guys

  *That guy is a tough nut. I guess this class is a bear!

  难缠的老师称为 tough nut,bear表示很难的科目。

  * I struggle for words when asked a sudden question.

  struggle for words 难以回答


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