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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/29 15:46  北京娱乐信报

Pop losing its fizz in school vending machines

  Soft drink makers to stop selling sugary soda,offer alternatives to kids in US.

  ″Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the US and the responsibility for finding common-sense solutions is shared by everyone,including our industry,″ said the American Beverage Association (ABA)president and CEO Susan Neely last Thursday.

  Soft drink makers,including giants Coca-Cola and Pepsi,will stop selling sugary soda in elementary and middle schools. They will also cut back sales in high schools — instead offering water,100 percent fruit juices and diet drinks.

  New guidelines will see only water and 100 percent juice drinks stocked in vending machines in elementary schools,which cater for children aged between five to 11.

  High schoolers will have a bit more choice,as no more than 50 percent of vending machine offerings will be soft drinks,with selections mixed in with 100 percent juice,sports drinks and juice beverages.

儿童过度肥胖 美小学停卖可乐(图)






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