意大利一部长在家养狼当宠物惹争议 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/03 13:04 国际在线 |
An Italian minister who revealed he is keeping wolves as pets told authorities on Wednesday to feel free to come and investigate as he always needed "fresh meat". Animal rights groups have accused Reforms Minister Roberto Calderoli of breaking the law by owning wild animals and the Forest Department has promised to look into the affair. "If anyone wants to visually ascertain what type (of wolves) they are, they're welcome. We always need fresh meat," he responded in Corriere della Sera. Calderoli, a firebrand leader of the populist Northern League party, told La Stampa daily earlier this week he had the experience needed to look after the wolf cubs and had previously kept a tiger. "I know how to manage them. Here in the villa, in Bergamo, I had a tiger for a year," he said, adding that he eventually had to get rid of the tiger because it ate a dog. He could face up to eight months in jail for illegal possession of wild animals. "He is a minister and should set a good example, not put himself on the same level as traffickers in endangered species," said Giovanni Guadagna, with Italy's anti-vivisection league. |
意大利一部长在家养狼当宠物惹争议 |
意大利改革部部长罗伯托·卡尔代罗利最近向外界透露,他在家中养了一群狼做宠物。而他养狼的目的则是因为他自己总是需要得到“新鲜的肉类”,他表示,将随时恭候有关人员来调查此事。 An Italian minister who revealed he is keeping wolves as pets told authorities on Wednesday to feel free to come and investigate as he always needed "fresh meat". 意大利改革部部长罗伯托·卡尔代罗利最近向外界透露,他在家中养了一群狼做宠物。而他养狼的目的则是因为他自己总是需要得到“新鲜的肉类”,他表示,将随时恭候有关人员来调查此事。 据路透社8月31日报道,卡尔代罗利说:“如果有谁想亲眼看一看这到底是一群什么样的狼,我随时欢迎他们的光临。我们总是需要新鲜的肉类。”卡尔代罗利是意大利北方联盟的一位政治领袖,他曾声称,自己有足够的经验可以照顾好那些刚出生的小狼,而且以前他还养过一只老虎。而他最后不得不抛弃这只虎的原因则在于它吃掉了一只狗。由于非法拥有野生动物,卡尔代罗利可能将面临最多达8个月的监禁。 动物权利保护组织已经指控卡尔代罗利违反了禁止私人拥有野生动物的法律,同时意大利林业部也表示要将此事查个水落石出。意大利反活体解剖联盟的乔瓦尼·瓜达尼亚表示:“身为政府部长,他应该在这方面树立一个好的榜样,而不应当使自己与那些专门走私濒危动物的不法商贩处在同一水平线上。” (国际在线独家资讯 张咏) |
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