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引领梦想 Leading the Dream
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/12 18:44  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  (Written by Jean; Level: Middle)

  Nina had a wonderful Dad who earned his humble rice bowl from making clothes. Young Nina loved to play with the fabrics in her father’s workshop. She would watch her father make pretty dresses for the girls in the village. She would then pick up unwanted cloth and make dresses for her doll. Nina’s love for dressing up soon became a driving force that allowed her to dream a dream: becoming a leading fashion designer.

  Nina’s childhood as a tailor’s daughter taught her the basic skills of clothes-making. With this knowledge passed down from her father, she found work as an apprentice in a clothes factory near the city. There, she learned how to operate various machines and saw how cotton fibers were weaved into wearable materials. She visited silk farms and taught herself clothes-dying processes. But Nina was still not satisfied with the experience she was gaining. She didn’t want to make clothes for others. She wanted to design her own clothes.

  Eventually, Nina saved up enough money to enroll in a reputable fashion designing institute. There, she could use any fabric, cut and sew them in any way and style she enjoyed. Her craftsmanship improved and she mastered her sketching techniques. Nina’s breakthrough in the fashion industry came when she was employed as a fashion designer by a big label in Italy. She created several spectacular garment designs for the company and was soon promoted to chief fashion designer.

  Nevertheless, Nina’s dream to be her own boss made her resign from her job and start up her own fashion line: Nina Fine. She became renowned for her elegant designs in fitted dresses for the modern woman. Through hard work and opportunities, Nina’s childhood dream came true!

引领梦想 Leading the Dream





  humble adj. 卑下的

  apprentice n. 学徒;徒工

  eventually adj. 最后的

  enroll v. 使加入;使入会

  reputable adj. 名气好的;有名声的

  craftsmanship n. 技术;技艺

  spectacular adj. 壮观的;引人入胜的

  resign v. 辞职

  renowned adj. 有名的



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