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Mubarak pledges more reforms
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/12 20:16  Shanghai Daily

  Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak pledged yesterday to promote further democratic reforms in his first comments since winning the first presidential elections held in the Arab world's largest country.

  Mubarak, who won Wednesday's multi-candidate election with 88 percent of the vote, thanked Egyptians for his fifth six-year term as president. Mubarak succeeded Anwar Sadat, who was assassinated by Islamic militants in 1981.

  "With all determination and persistence, I will work on creating a modern society for free citizens in a democratic country," Mubarak told members of his National Democratic Party in Cairo.

  Mubarak was adjudged the winner on Friday by Egypt's election commission running the polls. But only 23 percent of eligible voters participated in Egypt's first-ever multi-candidate poll, highlighting wide skepticism toward the country's political system.

  Despite the low turnout and multiple accusations by opposition candidates of voting irregularities, Mubarak said Egyptians and democracy were "the real winners" of the elections.

  Mubarak will take the oath during a September 27 ceremony at Egypt's parliament, according to the NDP's official Website. He is also expected to form a new cabinet, which is expected see some of Egypt's old guard replaced by younger reformists allied to his son, Gamal. Parliamentary elections are also expected in November.

  Mubarak renewed promises made during his three-week election campaign to amend Egypt's constitution to give more powers to the parliament and reduce those held by the president's office. He also pledged to further civil liberties and make it possible for more political parties to form while improving the quality of life.

  Mubarak surprised the nation earlier this year by demanding a constitutional amendment to allow for multi-candidate elections for the presidency, replacing the referendum system that had swept him to power in four consecutive votes.

  (The Associated Press)



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