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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/14 10:41  国际在线

Stress Made My Hair Fall out, Says Gail

  TV presenter Gail Porter caused a stir at a fashion event by sporting a new Mohican-type haircut.

  She decided to adopt the new radical style after reportedly being diagnosed with the hair loss condition alopecia.

  Appearing at a London fashion show last night to promote her new TV show, the Scots presenter arrived with all her hair shaved off except for a pink spike along the top of her scalp.

  Porter, who recently admitted to taking an overdose after a bout of post-natal depression, took to the catwalk herself to show off her new look.

  A friend told the Daily Mail how the 34-year-old woke up 10 days ago to find clumps of her hair had begun falling out.

  She said: "At first she went into denial and hid herself at home - she didn't want to go out or see anyone.

  "But eventually she went to see her doctor and he told her she is suffering from alopecia.

  "Initially she cancelled all her appearances and said she wasn't going to go out to LA to do her new TV show. But now she has decided to face her demons and she's determined not to let this beat her."

  Edinburgh-born Porter recently filmed Dead Famous Lives for the satellite entertainment channel Living TV.

  The former Big Breakfast and Top Of The Pops presenter famously had a picture of her naked body projected on to the Houses of Parliament in 1999.

  She was admitted to hospital in March after taking an overdose of post-natal depression tablets.

  She has a two-year-old daughter, Honey, with ex-husband and Toploader guitarist Dan Hipgrave. The couple split up last year after three years of marriage.









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