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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/10/17 11:38  国际在线


  1. figure sb/sth out 这个词组表示“理解某人,某事物;弄明白”。比如说,I've never been able to figure him out. 我一直无法理解他。I can't figure out why he quit his job. 我琢磨不透他为什么要辞掉工作。Have you figured out what's wrong with your car?你找出你汽车的毛病了吗?figure sth out 这个词组还可以表示“演算出,计算出”,比如说,Have you figured out how much the holiday will cost? 你算出度个假要多少钱了吗?

  2. question在这里作动词,表示“问问题”,比如说,I was questioned by the police for six hours. 我被警察盘问了六个小时。I'd like to question you on your views about the tax cut. 我想问问你关于减税的看法。question还可以表示“对某事物表示或者感到怀疑”,比如说,Her honesty has never been questioned. 从来没有人怀疑过她的诚实。

  3. the dark 表示“黑暗,无光”,比如说,Aren't you afraid of the dark? 你难道不怕黑吗? be in the dark表示“处在黑暗当中”,比如说,All the lights went out and we were completely in the dark. 所有的灯都熄灭了,周围一片黑暗。还有一个关于黑暗的词组,keep sb in the dark也可以是be in the dark,表示“不知道”,比如说,I was in the dark about it until she told me. 她告诉我之前我对这件事一无所知。所以,I don't wanna be in the dark tonight这句歌词是有双关意义的,一方面是说,不要关灯,今夜不想在黑暗里度过;另一方面就是说不要让他蒙在鼓里,什么都不知道。

  4. read one's mind,表示“明白某人,读懂某人的心思”。

  5. end up 表示“到达或者来到某处,达到某种状态或者采取某种行动。”比如说,After much discussion about holidays abroad we ended up in Hawaii. 我们反复商量到外国度假的事情,最后决定去夏威夷。If he carries on drinking like that, he'll end up dead. 他要是这么喝下去,早晚得喝死。

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