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美貌不能永恒 但它能帮你在选举中获胜(图)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/10/31 11:27  北京娱乐信报

Handsome men have edge in election wins

  Beauty may only be skin deep but it's apparently enough to carry an election,a new study says.

  Handsome male candidates had a 56 percent chance of winning an election while their less dashing counterparts had a 44 percent chance,according Daniel Hamermesh,the study's author and an economics professor at the University of Texas.

  ″It was very clear that being good-looking helped and also helped more for men than for women,and that seems to be something one finds in looking at the effect of beauty in other outcomes such as earnings and wages.″ Hamermesh said.He did not have a clear answer for why that was.

  The same people running for office several times sent in different pictures each time. The better their photograph,the more likely they were to do well,according to the study,released on last Wednesday on the National Bureau of Economics Research Web site.

美貌也许不能永恒 但它能帮你在选举中获胜(图)







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