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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/01 16:38  瑞来英语


  Halloween in Real Life English

  Oct 31st evening, Real Life English Training Center was full of screaming, pumpkin, constume, folk telling, magic, apple bobing, games, competitions and traditional snake. People from all over the world got together to celebrate Halloween in Real Life English Training center.

  The participants included English learners, Chinese learners, foreign teachers and management staffs of Real Life English, English communication came naturally and friendly, meanwhile, you can experience western traditional culture even if stay in China. One of the Australian teacher in Real Life English Rebecca said:” Never expect that I can celebrate Halloween in the same way as in Australia, even more interesting.”

  Real Life English arrives in China to tailor personalized courses for English learners

  (20th July 2005, Beijing) the renowned international organization specializing in language training around the world—Worldlink Education (WLE) who had successfully run Chinese language training program for thousands of foreign students, recently announced the opening of Real Life English (REL) learning center to have targeted approach to English learners in China. REL aims to provide the most practical platform on reality basis for all English lovers in China and already offers “Real Life electives”, “social events”, “help desk” and more special courses. The establishment of Real Life English will be an important step for Worldlink Education (WLE) to successfully introduce its mainstream language education. Systerm.

  As 2008 Olympic games is expecting, Beijing as the hosting city, is emerging as a metropolitan city to the world, meanwhile it’s urgent to improve the qualities especially English level of the citizens in Beijing as a whole. Recently, the English teaching market keeps heated in China, all kinds of English training centers are emerging, however, the courses of those institutes are so similar that personal attentions are hard to satisfy. Therefore, the traditional one-track concept of English teaching can’t fit in the demand of the market and the trend of unique personalized design of English teaching is increasing. The newly bored Real Life English as the learning center of the international organization specializing in language training creates new ways to tailor personalized courses and encourage the real life social practice for all English learners.

  Mr Anderson,the CEO of Worldlink Education and Real Life English, says: We always aims for professional English training and tries all the ways to satisfy the existent as well as potential needs for members. China nowadays is preparing for Olympic games, it’s our great honor to run practical program for English learners as a professional English training organization, we also hope to contribute to this biggest historic sports event for China.

  Mr Anderson also says: we have gained precious experience in the field of English teaching, the Real Life English that opens recently is our important organization in China, every teacher is not only native English speakers but also has professional certificate and abundant teaching experience, we also offer specified and progressive training program for those teachers to ensure Real Life English’s first class teaching level, besides the strong teaching staff, the Worldlink Education is another valuable resources for us, as the huge students network from Wordlink Education can guarantee the western and eastern students can have mutual English communication on a real life basis.

  “瑞来”comes from the English word “Real Life”, indicating that its teaching roots from the real life. The center creates the real life English learning environment through 5 factors: Real Life Business classes, Real life English electives, Real Life social events, Real Life help desk and Real Life advisor), in this way, members can stay in China but experience the English language environment abroad. This is the unique English learning ways from Worldlink Education after its comprehensive research for Chinese market. All courses are hardly not related to the daily work and job of white collars. Besides, Real life English are excel for other outstanding characteristics as small classes for personal attention, tailored curriculum for personal need, international authorized teaching material and VIP membership options.

  Worlslink Education is a renowned international organization specializing in language training around the world. For nearly a decade WLE has offered language training in China, France, Italy, Spain and Japan and gained rich teaching experience. Its program are approved by prestigious universities such as Sanford, Dartmouth, Fordham, etc.

  Backgroud information

  About Worldlink Education (WLE) and Real Life English:

  Worldlink Education (WLE) is a international organization specializing in language training around the world. For nearly a decade WLE has offered language training in Australia, China, Italy, France, Spain, Germany and Japan.

  In 1997, WLE opened its highly successful Chinese language-training center in Beijing. Today thousands of American, British and Australian students have come to Beijing to learn Chinese through WLE. With programs approved by prestigious universities such as Stanford, Dartmouth, Fordham and the Australian National University, WLE remains the popular choice for foreign students wanting to learn Chinese.

  Based on this experience and reputation in providing high quality language programs worldwide, WLE has now create a new English school situated in the heart of Beijing’s CBD

  Real Life English founded in March 2005 is the newest English school of WLE. It situated at the heart of CBD—Jian wai SOHO and will have other language branches in Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities gradually.









  瑞来英语实践中心(Real Life English)

  瑞来英语实践中心(Real Life English)源自著名国际语言培训机构——万联教育集团Worldlink Education。“瑞来”来自于英文“Real Life”的音译,表明了其教学宗旨是源于真实的生活。学校通过其特有的五元素教学法(瑞来英语核心课程、瑞来英语选修课、瑞来英语社会活动、瑞来英语辅助台以及瑞来英语学习顾问)完全营造出真情实景的语言氛围,使学员即使在国内也能完全感受到身在国外的真实语言环境。这是万联教育在对中国市场进行充分的市场调研后,推出的最新的英语学习理念。此外,瑞来英语的课程设置还包括职场技巧培训,所有课程无一不与上班族们日常的工作生活息息相关。除了以上独有的教学理念外,瑞来英语同样拥有其他显著特点,如小班授课、时间自主、国际权威教材、VIP会员课程等等。为竞争激烈的英语培训市场注入了新鲜的血液,同时也为众多在传统教学模式下苦苦徘徊的朋友点燃了新希望。来自母语为英语国家的外籍教师带领学员切身体验真实英语环境下的生活,抛开枯燥的课本,避开古板的授课,有的只是用生动的课堂讲述和活跃的社会实践活动激发学员对英语文化的兴趣和用英语进行国际交流的共鸣。正如写作取才于生活,英语学习也应来自于生活并在生活中学习,生活将源源不断地赋予英语更多的魅力和亲切。




  1997年,万联教育机构在北京成功创办了汉语培训中心。目前,成千上万来自美国、英国及澳大利亚的学生来到万联教育机构的北京汉语培训中心学习中文。随着万联教育机构的学习项目被美国的斯坦福大学(Stanford University)、达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)、佛汉大学(Fordham University)及澳大利亚国立大学(Australian National University)所认可,万联教育成为外国学生学习中文的最佳选择。




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