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英文金曲在线:shake it off(图)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/01 19:37  知行学习网

Mariah Carey

  专辑名:《The Emancipation Of Mimi》

  演唱者:Mariah Carey




  ……(转载)如果这张专辑和2002年的《Charmbracelet》一样遭遇失败,那也许就意味着这位昔日天后音乐生涯的终结。终于,失败没有重演,而是成为了2005年上半年最成功的流行音乐专辑之一。在经历了和唱片公司8000万美元合同的纠纷之后,Mariah Carey实现了新的辉煌。当不满24岁的Britney Spears已经为音乐前景感到悲观并萌生退意的时候,35岁的Mariah Carey用自己的实力和坚韧更赢得了人们的尊重……



  I goota shake you off

  Cause the loving ain't the same

  And you keep on playing games

  Like you know I'm here to stay

  I gotta shake you off

  Just like the Calgon commercial

  I really gotta get up outta here

  And go somewhere

  I gotta shake you off

  Gotta make that move

  Find somebody who

  Appreciates all the love I give

  Boy I gotta shake you off

  Gotta do what's best for me

  Baby and that means I gotta

  Shake you off

  By the time you get this message

  It's gonna be too late

  So don't bother paging me

  Cause I'll be on my way

  See I grabbed all my diamonds and clothes

  Just ask your momma she knows

  You're gonna miss me baby

  Hate to say I told you so

  Well at first I didn't know

  But now it's clear to me

  You would cheat with all your freaks

  And lie compulsively

  So I packed up my Louis Vuitton

  Jumped in your ride and took off

  You'll never ever find a girl

  Who loves you more than me


  I gotta shake you off

  Cause the loving ain't the same

  And you keep on playing games

  Like you know I'm here to stay

  I gotta shake you off

  Just like the Calgon commercial

  I really gotta get up outta here

  And go somewhere

  I gotta shake you off

  Gotta make that move

  Find somebody who

  Appreciates all the love I give

  Boy I gotta shake you off

  Gotta do what's best for me

  Baby and that means I gotta

  Shake you off


  I gotta shake, shake, shake, shake, shake it


  I found out about a gang

  Of your dirty little deeds

  With this one and that one

  By the pool, on the beach, in the streets

  Heard y'all was

  Hold up my phone's breakin' up

  I'ma hang up and call the machine right back

  I gotta get this off of my mind

  You wasn't worth my time

  I've leaving you behind

  Cause I need a real love in my life

  Save this recording because

  I'm never coming back home

  Baby I'm gone

  Don't cha know


  I gotta shake you off

  Cause the loving ain't the same

  And you keep on playing games

  Like you know I'm here to stay

  I gotta shake you off

  Just like the Calgon commercial

  I really gotta get up outta here

  And go somewhere

  I gotta shake you off

  Gotta make that move

  Find somebody who

  Appreciated all the love I give

  Boy I gotta shake you off

  Gotta do what's best for me

  Baby and that means I gotta

  Shake you off




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