新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语随身学 > 听歌学英文:《挥着翅膀的女孩》英文版(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/11 12:03  知行学习网


  fiona fung 演唱的‘Proud Of You’




  Love in your eyes

  Sitting silent by my side

  Going on Holding hand

  Walking through the nights

  Hold me up Hold me tight

  Lift me up to touch the sky

  Teaching me to love with heart

  Helping me open my mind

  I can fly

  I'm proud that I can fly

  To give the best of mine

  Till the end of the time

  Believe me I can fly

  I'm proud that I can fly

  To give the best of mine

  The heaven in the sky

  Stars in the sky

  Wishing once upon a time

  Give me love Make me smile

  Till the end of life

  Hold me up Hold me tight

  Lift me up to touch the sky

  Teaching me to love with heart

  Helping me open my mind

  I can fly

  I'm proud that I can fly

  To give the best of mine

  Till the end of the time

  Believe me I can fly

  I'm proud that I can fly

  To give the best of mine

  The heaven in the sky

  Can't you believe that you light up my way

  No matter how that ease my path

  I'll never lose my faith

  See me fly

  I'm proud to fly up high

  Show you the best of mine

  Till the end of the time

  Believe me I can fly

  I'm singing in the sky

  Show you the best of mine

  The heaven in the sky

  Nothing can stop me

  Spread my wings so wide



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