都柏林3日发生3宗命案 疑与黑社会有关 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/18 10:29 国际在线 |
Dublin police were yesterday investigating the third gangland murder in the city in three days. On Tuesday night a 27-year-old man was shot dead in Clontarf, north Dublin. He was a passenger in a car when gunmen, who may have pulled up alongside on a motorbike, shot him three times in the head. The victim was apparently involved in a gang feud. On Sunday night, two men wearing bulletproof vests were shot dead as they sat in a Lexus sedan in a south-west Dublin cul-de-sac. The attack was believed to be linked to a five-year turf war between rival drug gangs. |
都柏林3日发生3宗命案 疑与黑社会有关 |
近日,爱尔兰首都都柏林在3天之内连续发生了3宗命案,受害者都疑与当地黑社会有关。警方正在对案情展开严密调查。 据《卫报》11月16日报道,15日晚,一名27岁的男子在都柏林北部克隆塔夫地区被摩托车上的杀手连开3枪,当场死在小轿车内。警方称,受害者可能被卷入黑社会内部矛盾中。这是都柏林警方在3日之内受理的第3桩谋杀案。 报道说,13日晚,位于都柏林西北部的一条死胡同里,两名身穿防弹衣的男子在一辆豪华轿车内被枪击中头部后死亡。警方认为,这桩谋杀案与一场长达5年的毒品团伙间争斗有关。 据报道,警方正在对这3起谋杀案展开严密调查。(文/蒋黎黎) |
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