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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/07 19:46  国际在线

  Children as young as five should have compulsory sex education at school, say Government advisers.

  Lessons would go far further than teaching the basics, with in-depth discussions for older children on sexually transmitted diseases, contraception and peer pressure to have sex.

  Primary school children aged five to 11 would be encouraged to discuss their feelings and emotions about sex.

  The Independent Advisory Groups on Sexual Health and Teenage Pregnancy blame the current system, where schools decide whether to teach sex education to under-11s, for muddled knowledge among most primary pupils.

  More open, informative and detailed lessons would help tackle high rates of teenage pregnancy, they say.

  They want legislation to make Personal, Social and Health Education compulsory. It would include sex and relationships, with discussion on topics such as dealing with peer pressure, where to get condoms and how infections such as chlamydia and genital warts are passed on.

  Younger pupils would focus on the emotional issues associated with relationships, with only secondary pupils getting more detailed information on sexual activity and its consequences.

  The report, sent to ministers at the Departments of Health and Education, shows teenage pregnancy in Liverpool, Bradford and Hackney, East London, fell after schools there introduced sex education classes. Labour peer Joyce Gould, who chaired the group, said the proposals would not lead to more promiscuity.











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