新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我可以帮您吗,先生?

Can I help you, sir?
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/10 12:02  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Can I help you, sir?



  A Can I help you, sir?

  A 我可以帮您吗,先生?

  B Yes, please.Can you tell me where the hotel gym is?

  B 好的。你能告诉我酒店的健身房在什么地方吗?

  A Certainly. It’s in the basement. You can take the lift down one floor.

  A 当然。健身房在地下。你可以乘电梯到下一层。

  B Thanks. Do you know if it’s open?

  B 谢谢。你知道它现在是否开门吗?

  A Yes, sir. It’s open all day until 12pm.

  A 是的,先生。健身房一直开到晚上12点。

  B Midnight. That’s great. Thank you.

  B 到午夜。那太好了。谢谢你。

  A You’re welcome. Have a nice day.

  A 不客气。祝您愉快!

  Notes 注释

  To offer to help someone, you can say: Can I help you? / Can I help you?

  要主动帮助别人,你可以说:Can I help you? /我可以帮您吗?

  If you want to ask someone where something is, you can say: Can you tell me where . . . is? / Can you tell me where . . . is?

  如果要问某人某场所在哪里,你可以说:Can you tell me where . . . is? / 你能告诉我…在哪里吗?

  If you want to know whether something is open or closed, you can ask: Do you know if it’s open? / Do you know if it’s open: or – Is it open? / Is it open?

  如果你想知道某场所是开门还是关门,你可以问:: Do you know if it’s open? / 你知道它是否开着吗?: 或者 – Is it open? / 它开着吗?

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  Can I help you, sir? 我可以帮您吗,先生?

  Yes, please. 好的,我需要帮助。

  Can you tell me where the hotel gym is? 你能告诉我酒店的健身房在哪里吗?

  Certainly. 当然。

  It’s in the basement. 它在地下。

  You can take the lift down one floor. 你可以乘电梯到下一层。

  Do you know if it’s open? 你知道它是否开着吗?

  It’s open all day until 12pm. 它一直开到晚上12点。

  Midnight. 到午夜。

  You’re welcome. 不客气。

  Have a nice day. 祝您愉快!



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