英国一圣诞老人发善心 为违章停车者买单 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/23 21:08 国际在线 |
A "Parking Ticket Santa Claus" has been spreading cash as well as Christmas cheer around the English city of Birmingham, a newspaper reported Wednesday. The mystery Santa has placed Christmas cards containing 30 pounds ($53) on the windscreens of drivers who have received parking tickets, the Daily Telegraph said. "Don't let this ticket spoil your Christmas," declares a note in each card. "Here's #30 to pay it off. Merry Christmas - Parking Ticket Santa." Fourteen drivers are believed to have received gifts from the unseen Father Christmas, who has given his profession an image boost after a string of stories about "Bad Santas." In recent days, men in Santa outfits have been accused of committing armed robbery in Germany, exposing themselves in southern England and going on a drunken rampage in New Zealand. |
英国一圣诞老人发善心 为违章停车者买单 |
近日,在英国伯明翰市出现了一位“专门支付违章停车罚单的圣诞老人”,此人不仅给大家带来了节日所特有的喜庆气氛,而且还特意向那些违章停车的人派发“红包”。 据路透社12月21日报道,这位颇为神秘的圣诞老人在每一个被贴有违章停车罚单的汽车的前挡风玻璃上放置了一个装着30英镑(53美元)现金的圣诞贺卡。而在每张贺卡上都写有下面这段话:“不要让这张罚单破坏了你过圣诞的好心情,就用这里面的30块钱去交罚款吧。祝你圣诞快乐——专门支付违章停车罚单的圣诞老人。”据悉,有14位驾车者已经收到了来自于这位未曾谋面的圣诞老人的特殊礼物。 在最近这段时间里,世界上很多地方都出现了某些人身着圣诞老人装束胡作非为的事情,比如在德国“圣诞老人”武装抢劫,在英格兰南部“圣诞老人”赤身裸体,在新西兰耍酒疯等。上述这一连串“坏圣诞老人”让圣诞老人在人们心目中的形象大打折扣,而这名英国人的善举则可以在一定程度上还圣诞老人本来面目。(文/张咏) |
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