新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 请帮我结账好吗

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/27 21:22  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Can I have the bill, please?



  A Can I have the bill, please?

  A 请帮我结账好吗?

  B Certainly.

  B 当然可以。


  B Here you are, sir.

  B 给你,先生。

  A Thanks. Can I pay by card?

  A 谢谢, 我能刷卡吗?

  B Yes, no problem.

  B 好的, 没问题。


  B Can you sign here, please?

  B 你能在这里签名吗?

  A Ok. Thank you.

  A 好的,谢谢你。.


  1 To ask for the bill, you say: Can I have the bill, please? / Can I have the bill, please? In the US and Canada, they usually say: Can I have the check, please? / Can I have the check, please?

  要看帐单,你说:Can I have the bill, please? / 我能看看帐单吗? 在美国和加拿大人们通常说: Can I have the check, please? /我能看看帐单吗?

  2 To pay by credit card, you ask: Can I pay by card, please? / Can I pay by card, please?

  要用信誉卡付帐,你可以问:Can I pay by card, please? /我可以刷卡吗?

  3 To ask for someone to sign something, e.g. a credit card bill, or a hotel form, you ask: Can you sign here? / Can you sign here?

  要请某人签名,例如在刷卡帐单上或者在饭店入住表上签名,你可以问:Can you sign here? / 你能在这里签名吗?

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  Can I have the bill, please? 我能看看帐单吗?

  Here you are. 给你。

  Can I pay by card? 我能刷卡吗?

  Can you sign here? 你能在这里签名吗?



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