老鼠冲浪蟾蜍结婚--2005人与动物的奇闻 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/05 12:03 国际在线 |
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Dogs went woof over a Brazilian puppy love motel, an Australian trained mice to surf the waves and an Indian village married off toads in bid for rain. In the world of the weird and wacky, the animal kingdom was the big winner in 2005. It handsomely defeated incompetent thieves and misplaced corpses to take the prize for the year's most bizarre headlines. A love motel for dogs in Sao Paulo proved a big hit with amorous Brazilian pooches, offering a heart-shaped mirror on the ceiling and headboards resembling doggy bones. Shane Willmott trained his three mice -- Harry, Chopsticks and Bunsen -- to enjoy Australia's favourite sport with special mouse-size surf boards. He even dyed their fur so he could spot them among the crashing white waves. Two giant toads were married in a traditional Hindu ceremony in eastern India by villagers hoping to please the rain gods and end a dry spell. Peruvian officials saved 4,000 frogs from the cocktail blender after they were found hidden in an abattoir. In the Andes, frog cocktails are popular because of their supposed aphrodisiac qualities. Finnish wolves with a taste for domestic dogs were given a nasty shock -- Helsinki shops started selling wired dog coats which sent 1,000 volts of electricity through the outer layer. And in Germany, a woman burnt down her family home by setting fire to the garage when trying to kill spiders with a can of hairspray and a cigarette lighter. A German inventor sparked the fury of animal lovers with his macabre solution for soaring fuel costs. Christian Koch concocted an organic diesel fuel that contained garbage and run-over cats among its ingredients. He said around 20 dead cats added into the mix could help produce enough fuel to fill up a 50-litre (11 gallon) tank. |
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老鼠冲浪蟾蜍结婚--2005人与动物奇闻轶事 |
老鼠玩儿冲浪,蟾蜍结婚……在人与动物共同相处的这个世界里,总会有许多奇闻轶事发生。在2005年末,路透社综合报道了在这一年中发生的人和动物间的稀奇古怪事。 情侣狗的旅馆 巴西一家“情侣狗汽车旅馆”开张后生意火爆。旅馆被装饰得浪漫温馨,房间墙上挂有心形的镜子,床头板也被做成了狗狗喜欢的骨头形状。 老鼠学冲浪 澳大利亚人沙恩-威尔莫特训练老鼠成为冲浪好手。威尔莫特想让这3只分别名为哈里、邦森和肖普斯蒂克斯的老鼠参与到澳大利亚人最喜欢的冲浪运动中来。威尔莫特地为老鼠制作了合适的冲浪板,还给这些小白鼠染上了颜色,以便人们能在灰白的大浪里看到它们。” 蟾蜍结婚 印度一对巨型蟾蜍在一村庄村民的“撮合”下按照当地传统习俗举行了婚礼。村民给他们穿上鲜红的礼服,然后把他们带到花轿中举行了结婚仪式。村民们希望这对“夫妻”能够请来雨神降雨,结束难耐的干旱。 青蛙鸡尾酒 秘鲁当地官员成功解救了4000只藏在屠宰场的青蛙。在秘鲁,青蛙鸡尾酒因被认为可以激发人的性欲而很受欢迎。 带电的狗用背心 芬兰的野狼想要再偷吃居民的家犬就没那么容易了。首都赫尔辛基的市场上正在出售一种带电的狗用背心。野狼如果咬住穿着这种背心的小狗,立刻会遭受到1000伏特的电击。 都是蟑螂惹的祸 在德国,一名妇女企图用发胶和打火机来消灭屋里的蟑螂,结果把家烧成灰烬。 喂牛吃大麻 俄罗斯乌拉尔地区的牛在这个冬天吃的是大麻而不是以前的苜蓿和向日葵饲料。当地缉毒人员在一片向日葵和玉米地里发现了混在其中的40吨大麻。当被强令砍掉向日葵和玉米后,当地养牛人只能用大麻喂牛。不知道吃大麻的牛会产下什么样的牛奶? 死猫做燃料 面对飞速上涨的油价,55岁的德国克里斯蒂安-科赫想出了一个以死猫为原料制造柴油的新办法。科赫说,将大约20只死猫、日常垃圾等和其它材料混合后就可以生产出约11加仑的燃油。科赫此举自然遭到了动物权益保护者的强烈反对。(文/蒋黎黎) |
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