
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年01月05日 20:35   EF英孚教育


  I am going to talk about Hangzhou EF and the city itself.

  My name is Vicky. I have been a teacher at EF Hangzhou for nearly two months. In the city there are two schools, one in the East of the city and the other in the West. In the two schools there are children’s classes and adult classes. You can also learn business English. In the East school, there is a CLT department.

  In the two schools there are teachers from various English speaking countries – England, USA, Canada, South Africa, Ireland and Australia. There are also teachers from other countries like Sweden and Israel.

  Hangzhou is a wonderful place to work. On one hand, it’s a big, cosmopolitan city where you can find food from all over the world as well as five Starbucks and lots of McDonalds. There’s not a lot I can’t buy! On the other hand, Hangzhou has got West Lake, which gives the city its charm. It’s beautiful. On a sunny day the lake is full of boats.

  On a foggy day, the mist hangs over the lake and makes it look like a scene out of a film. Whenever you feel stressed, if you just go and see the lake, all your problems will feel a million miles away.

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