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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/10 21:29  思马得学校







  1.不定式用作句子主语,常用的句型是:It takes + sb. + 时间段 + to do sth.(某人花多少时间做某事)。例如:

  It took us a whole winter to build the wooden bridge.我们花了整整一个冬天建造了这座木桥。


  I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes.我对花那么多钱买衣服犹豫不决。

  The car repairer began to check my car engine.汽车修理工开始检查我的汽车发动机。

  The little girl pretended to be asleep when her mother entered the room.当母亲走进房间时,小女孩假装睡着了。

  某些动词可以接“疑问词 + 动词不定式”作宾语,如:cuss,decide,explain,guess,know,inquire,observe,show,teach,tell,understand,wonder等。例如:

  I haven’t decided when to hold the English Evening.我还没有决定什么时候举行英语晚会。

  The farmer showed us how to cut rice.农民教我们怎样割稻。

  3.有些动词和短语可用不定式做宾语补足语,构成句型:主语+谓语动词+宾语+不定式。这样的动词有:advise,allow,announce,ask,assist,authorize,bear,beg,bribe,cause,command,compel,condemn,deserve,direct,drive,enable,encourage,entitle,entreat,exhort,forbid,force,get,hate,help,implore,induce,inspire,instruct,intend,invite,lead,leave,like,mean,need,oblige,order,permit,persuade,pray,prefer,press,prompt,pronounce,recommend,remind,report,request,require,summon,teach,tell,tempt,urge,want,warn,wish。这样的短语有:call on(请求),care for(关心),count on(依靠,指望),depend on(依赖、依靠),keep on at(困扰,追问),long for(渴望),make out(分辨),vote for(选举),prevail on(说服),rely on(信赖),wait for(等待)。例如:

  The officer ordered the soldiers to stand in line.军官命令士兵站成一排。

  I arranged Tom to meet them.我安排汤姆同他们见面。

  4.有一些动词和词组带没有to的不定式,这样的动词和词组有:feel,have,hear,let,make,notice,observe,overhear,perceive,see,watch,listen to,look at,had better,would rather … than …,would sooner … than …,rather than,may well do,may as well do,can not but …,can not help but …,以及do but/except do句型。例如:

  They had nothing to do but stay in the waiting room./They had no choice but to stay in the waiting room. 他们除了待在候诊室里,没有其他事可干。

  We might as well put up here for tonight.今晚我们还是在这里留宿吧。

  Mother let her daughter play for a while in the garden.母亲让女儿在花园里玩一会儿。


  1.动名词常常用作某些动词的宾语,如:acknowledge,admit,advise, allow,anticipate,appreciate,avoid, bear,can't help,cease,commence,complete,consider,confess,delay,deny,discourage,detest,dread,endure,enjoy,envy,escape,excuse,fancy,favor,feel like,figure,finish,forbid,imagine,involve,justify,keep,mind,miss,permit,postpone,practise,quit,recall,repent,require,resent,resist,resume,risk,save,suggest,waste等等。例如:

  Putting in a new window will involve cutting away part of the roof.开一个新窗户就得拆除部分房顶。

  If we buy plenty of food now, it will save shopping later in the week.我们现在多买些食物,省得这一周再采购了。

  I appreciate your giving me so much of your time.非常感谢你花这么多时间帮助我。

  2.要特别注意,admit to(承认),amount to(总计),approach to(方法),attribute … to …(归功于),contribute to(起作用,有助于),confess to(承认),dedicate … to …(致力于,献身于),devote to(致力于,献身于),keep to(遵循),live up to(实践,做到),object to(反对),resort to(求助于),reconcile to(顺从于),revert to(重新开始),stand up to(勇敢地抵抗),submit to(忍受),swear to(断言),take to (开始从事),be used to(习惯于),look forward to(盼望),oppose to(反对)等中的to都是介词而不是不定式符号,因此后面必须跟动名词。例如:

  Having almost run out of money, we were reduced to staying in a cheap hotel.我们几乎花光了所有的钱,只能住在一家便宜的旅馆里。

  He strongly objected to building a dam in the forest.他强烈反对在森林里建一个大坝。

  She has been devoted to studying national economy since her college life.自大学时代开始,她就致力于研究国民经济。


  My clothes need mending.我的衣服要补一补。

  The room wants cleaning.房间要打扫一下。

  The book is well worth reading.这本书非常值得一读。

  4.有些it作形式主语或形式宾语的句型中,用动名词作逻辑主语或逻辑宾语。It is (no) use/good/point/sense + doing sth.,It is a waste of time + doing sth.。例如:

  There is no point in waiting.等待毫无意义。

  It is simply a waste of time and money seeing the movie.看这部电影简直是在浪费时间和金钱。

  5.句型have difficulty/trouble/problem/pleasure/a difficult time + (in) doing sth.,但请注意,take the trouble to do sth.,have no time to do sth.。例如:

  The teachers have had some problems deciding when they should return the final papers to the students.老师们在决定何时将期末考试试卷发给学生的问题上有些困难。

  6.有些动词后既可加不定式,也可加动名词,但用法不同,意义也不同。注意remember,forget,stop,regret,go on,try,mean等单词的用法。remember to do(记得要做某事,还没有做),remember doing(记得做过某事)。forget to do(忘记要做某事,还没有做),forget doing(忘记做过某事)。stop to do(停下去做另外一件事),stop doing(停下正在做的事)。regret to do(很遗憾做某事,通常用tell,say等动词),regret doing(后悔做某事)。go on to do(继续做某事,内容已经调换),go on doing(继续做某事,内容没有调换)。try to do(尽力做某事),try doing(试着做某事)。mean to do(打算做某事),mean doing(意味着做某事)。


  1.分词可以分为现在分词(present participle)和过去分词(past participle)。现在分词的结构就是在动词的后面加词尾ing,过去分词的结构就是在动词的后面加词尾ed。现在分词通常表示“进行”和“主动”,过去分词通常表示“完成”和“被动”,不定式则通常表示“将来”。例如:

  Born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770, Lugwig van Beethoven first studied music with the court organist Eeden.路德维希·范·贝多芬1770年生于德国波恩,首先向宫廷风琴手伊登学习音乐。

  Noting that Beethoven often flew into fits of rage, Goethe once said of him,“I am astonished by his talent, but he is unfortunately an altogether untamed personality.”注意到贝多芬经常勃然大怒,歌德有一回这样说到他,“他的天才令我叹服,但遗憾的是他完全是一个性格不受拘束的人”。

  The next train to arrive was from York.下一列到站的火车是从约克郡来的。

  2.amazing,amazed,amusing,amused,convincing,convinced,confusing,confused,disappointing,disappointed,encouraging,encouraged,exciting,excited,contented,inviting,missing,misunderstanding,inexperienced等分词没有严格意义上的被动、静态、动态、已完成或正在进行这样的含义。它们源自动词,有动词的用法。以最常见的interesting和interested为例。若对某事/某人感兴趣,就用be interested in sth./sb.的结构,主语一般都是人;如果某事或某人本身让别人感到有意思,让人感兴趣的话,就用sth./sb. is interesting的结构。

  3.分词短语的固定表达方式,作句子状语,说明讲话人的想法,一般不受句子主语的限制。如:according to(根据),judging from(从……判断),talking of(谈到),owing to(由于),taking everything into consideration(全盘考虑),allowing for(考虑到),leaving … on one side …(抛开……不谈),generally speaking(总的说来),frankly speaking(坦率地说),roughly speaking(粗略地说),honestly speaking(老实说),strictly speaking(严格地说),theoretically speaking(从理论上说)等等。例如:

  Judging from his appearance, he comes from the north.从外貌来看,他来自于北方。

  Owing to the Cultural Revolution, he received little education.由于文化大革命,他几乎没上过什么学。



  It is midnight, there being few people in the street.已经是深夜了,街上几乎没有人。

  Weather permitting, we’ll be going boating tomorrow.如果天气允许的话,我们明天去划船。

  All the money having been spent, we started looking for job.我们花完了所有的前,开始准备找工作。

  The boots cleaned, the soldiers began to march on.靴子擦干净后,士兵们开始行军。

  With the boy leading the road, we had no difficulty in finding the restaurant.在小男孩的带领下,我们毫不费力地找到了那家餐厅。

  He left home, without a single word said.没说一句话,他就离开了家。



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