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中国新年 英首相布莱尔向伦敦华人祝贺
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/28 12:37  国际在线



  British Prime Minister Tony Blair has sent out his message of congratulation on the forthcoming 2006 Chinese Lunar New Year Day, which falls on Jan. 29.

  British Prime Minister Tony Blair has sent out his message of congratulation on the forthcoming 2006 Chinese Lunar New Year Day, which falls on Jan. 29.

  In a recent message addressed to Chinatown Chinese Association in London, Blair said, "I am delighted to send my best wishes to the Chinese community for the New Year and to wish everyone happiness in the forthcoming Year of Dog."

  Blair said that the festival has always been important to the Chinese community.

  Traditionally, it marks the start of ploughing, planting and the earth coming back to life.

  The celebrations, Blair said, now reach out well beyond the Chinese community and are shared and enjoyed by people from all backgrounds.

  "The festival gives us all the chance both to reflect on the great contribution of the Chinese community to this country's success, prosperity and culture and how we all gain from the diversity of our society," the British prime minister said in the message.

中国农历新年 英国首相布莱尔向伦敦华人祝贺



  布莱尔还表示,目前对于中国农历新年的庆祝活动已经远远超出了华人团体的范围,所有不同背景的人们都在共同分享这个节日。他还在贺词中说:“这个节日给了我们思考华人团体对我们国家的兴旺、发展、文化事业以及社会多样性所做出的巨大贡献的机会。”(国际在线独家资讯 王高山)



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