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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/02/06 18:50  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  There’s a good sports shop in the shopping mall.



  A I’d like to buy some sports trainers for running.

  A 我想买运动鞋,跑步用的。

  B There’s a good sports shop in the shopping mall.

  B 在购物中心有一家很不错的体育商店。

  A Good. I’ll go there. Maybe I’ll get some other sports clothes too.

  A 好,我要去那里。也许我还将买运动服。

  B Do you go running?

  B 你跑步吗?

  A Yes. It’s a good way to keep fit and healthy.

  A 是的。跑步是保持身体健康、强壮的好方法。

  B Maybe I should try it too.

  B 也许我也应该试试跑步。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember how to say you would like to do something: I’d like to buy some sports trainers for running / I’d like to buy some sports trainers for running.

  记住怎样说你想做某事:I’d like to buy some sports trainers for running / 我想买跑步用的运动鞋。

  2 If you talk about something you plan to do in the future, you can use I will / I will (or shorter version: I’ll / I’ll) : e.g.: I’ll go there / I’ll go there: I’ll get some sports clothes / I’ll get some sports clothes.

  如果你谈论你将来要做的某事,你可以用I will / 我将 (或者它的简略形式: I’ll / 我将) : 例如: I’ll go there / 我将去那里: I’ll get some sports clothes /我将买运动服。

Key phrases and sentences


I’d like to buy some sports trainers for running.

There’s a good sports shop in the shopping mall.

I’ll go there.

Maybe I’ll get some other sports clothes too.

Do you go running?

It’s a good way to keep fit and healthy.

Maybe I should try it too. 













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