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播客是个什么新鲜的东东 你知道吗(音频)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/02/09 19:21  《视听英语》杂志


  A Podcaster Is Born


  The podcast revolution is erupting all over the world—and seemingly all at once. The reason? The technology is simple to master and podcasting software is inexpensive, sometimes even free.

  Two Chinese students are receiving international fame as millions of people around the world watch them podcast from their dormitory. They are called the Back Dormitory Boys, and they specialize in lip-syncing to Backstreet Boys songs.

  Although most people in China don't have iPods, podcasting is sweeping the country. The Back Dormitory Boys are among the thousands of Chinese who are putting their own homemade audio and video up on the Internet for all to enjoy.

  “You just gotta love two guys making a fool of themselves, and gaining international attention,” said “Good Morning America” technology expert Becky Worley.

  The Internet is becoming more and more popular with China's youth; about 60 percent of the 100 million Chinese who use the Internet are under the age of 24.

  “This generation grew up with values that are very, very similar to their peers4 in the United States,” said Huang Hung, publisher of Time Out Beijing. “You're going to see a complete change in the cultural landscape of China.”

  Already, podcasting has taken off in the United States. Earlier this year, 19-year-old Gary Brolsma skyrocketed to Internet fame with what he calls his “Numa Numa” dance—a lip sync to a Romanian pop song.


播客是个什么新鲜的东东 你知道吗(音频)







  《Time Out Beijing》(旅游杂志)的发行人黄恒(音译)说:“这一代人的价值观与他们美国的同龄人非常相似。你将会看到中国文化发生巨变。”

  播客已在美国兴起。今年年初,19岁的盖瑞·布罗斯玛凭借自称的“Numa Numa”舞(一首罗马尼亚流行歌曲的假唱)在因特网上一跃成名。



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