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张靓颖最新英文歌在线:To Be Loved
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/02/10 18:29  知行学习网





  i can see your face everywhere i look

  but everywhere is nowhere without you'

  what seemed to be like days

  was just a moment in time

  but it meant the world to me

  cuz i knew

  what i've been searching for all of my life

  i had it right here - in front of my eyes

  and what i've wished for was nothing compared

  to what i received - when you were here with me

  and if you'll never come back

  and today was all that we had

  and if i won't see - tomorrow with you in my arms

  it won't matter because

  now i know what it's like to be loved

  you're so far away but i feel you so near

  it's like you never left me - never said good bye

  i can hear your voice in the crowd

  i can feel you touch me right now

  i can see you smile when i close my eyes

  and i hold on to that every night

  to help me understand - when i ask myself why

  of all the people out there - you chose to be with me

  to share a love so rare

  what a beautiful thing - to feel your love within

  like a child that sees the sunshine on the first day of spring

  just to know it's true - there is someone like you

  who can make me believe there is nothing i can't do



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