新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你还想再要一杯吗?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/01 19:52  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Would you like another one?


  A That was good. I really needed a cool drink.

  A 真不错。我确实需要一杯冷饮。

  B Yes,me too. It’s so hot today.

  B 是的,我也是。今天太热了。

  A Would you like another one?

  A 你还想再要一杯吗?

  B No, thanks. That was fine. But have another one if you want.

  B 不,谢谢。够了。但是如果你想喝的话就再来一杯。

  A I’m OK. Shall we pay?

  A 我也喝好了。咱们现在买单吗?

  B Yes. Waiter – can we have the bill, please?

  B 好的。侍者——能给我们账单吗?

  Notes 注释

  1 If you want to express agreement with something someone says, you can simply say Me, too. / Me too, e.g. I’m tired. / I’m tired. Me, too. / Me too; I enjoyed that drink. / I enjoyed that drink. Me, too. / Me, too; I prefer Beijing to Shanghai. / I prefer Beijing to Shanghai. Me, too./ Me, too.

  如果你想表示同意某人的说法,你可以简单地说:Me, too. /我也是. 例如I’m tired. / 我累了。 Me, too. / 我也是;I enjoyed that drink. / 我喜欢喝那个。 Me, too. /我也是;I prefer Beijing to Shanghai. / 跟上海比起来我更喜欢北京。 Me, too. /我也是。

  2 If you want to offer someone another thing, e.g. a drink, you can say Would you like another one? / Would you like another one?

  如果你想主动再给某人一样东西,例如一杯饮品,你可以说:Would you like another one? /你还想再要一杯吗?

  3 To express something strongly you can use so / so, e.g. It’s so hot today / It’s so hot today; Beijing’s traffic is so busy / Beijing’s traffic is so busy.

  要强烈地表达你的看法,你可以用so / 太, 例如It’s so hot today / 今天太热了; Beijing’s traffic is so busy /北京的交通非常繁忙。

  4 To ask for the bill in a bar or restaurant, say Can we have the bill, please? / Can we have the bill, please?

  在酒吧或者餐馆里要看帐单,可以说:Can we have the bill, please? /能给我们账单吗?

Key phrases and sentences


That was good.  I really needed a cool drink.

Yes, me, too.  It’s so hot today.

Would you like another one?

No thanks.  That was fine. But have another one if you want.

I’m OK.  Shall we pay?

Yes.  Waiter – can we have the bill,















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