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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/16 18:30  国际在线

Jennifer Aniston

  Jennifer Aniston isn't looking for pity – from anybody.

  "Don't make me your victim ... It makes my skin crawl," the ex-Mrs. Brad Pitt, 37, tells Vogue magazine in a new interview, excerpts of which are being reported by USA Today.

  Of her former husband's relationship with Angelina Jolie, which often has Aniston being mentioned in press reports: "I'm so tired of being part of this sick, twisted Bermuda Triangle," she says – never mentioning Pitt or Jolie by name.

  She also reveals that the media frenzy that still surrounds her may force her to move from Los Angeles, where she now lives in the same Hollywood bungalow she called home before her marriage.

  "All I can do is go on and live my life," she says.

  As for whether or not that life includes her The Break-Up costar and Oscar-party companion Vince Vaughn, all that Aniston reportedly says about him is: "First and foremost, he's a really good, loyal friend. Fiercely loyal."








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