新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我怎样到那里

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/04/07 18:59  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  How do I get there?


  A See you later this evening.

  A 今晚见。

  B Yes. See you at six at the restaurant.

  B 好的。6点在餐馆见。

  A OK. By the way, how do I get there?

  A 好。顺便问一下,我怎样到那里?

  B To the restaurant? Take a taxi. It’s the easiest way.

  B 到餐馆?乘出租车去。这是最简便的方法。

  A I guess so. How about the subway?

  A 我想也是这样。乘地铁怎么样?

  B Yes. You could take the subway. The restaurant is very close to Chaoyang subway.

  B 是的,你也可以乘地铁。餐馆离朝阳门站非常近。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember what you can say about future arrangements: See you later. / See you later; See you at six this evening. / See you at six this evening.

  记住对将来的安排可以这样说:See you later. / 回见; See you at six this evening. / 今晚6点见。

  2 To ask advice on how to get to a place, you can say: How do I get there? / How do I get there?

  要问某人怎样到达某地的建议,你可以说:How do I get there? /我怎样到达那里?

  3 Remember comparatives for two things and superlatives when you are comparing more than two things: It is easier to take a taxi than to take the subway. / It is easier to take a taxi than to take the subway; Compared with a bus and the subway, to take a taxi is the easiest way./ Compared with a bus and the subway, to take a taxi is the easiest way.

  记住比较两种事物时用形容词比较级,而比较两种以上的事物时用形容词的最高级: It is easier to take a taxi than to take the subway. / 乘出租车比乘地铁容易; Compared with a bus and the subway, to take a taxi is the easiest way./ 跟公共汽车和地铁相比,乘出租车最简便。

Key phrases and sentences


See you later this evening.

Yes.  See you at six at the restaurant.

OK.  By the way, how do I get there?

To the restaurant?  Take a taxi. 

It’s the easiest way.

I guess so.  How about the subway?

Yes.  You could take the subway. 

The restaurant is very close to Chaoyang subway.
















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