新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 国际在线 > 美国独眼小猫遗体被卖 将在博物馆展出(图)

美独眼小猫遗体被卖 将在博物馆展出(图)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/04/10 15:46  国际在线


  The one-eyed, noseless kitten that inspired an international debate last year over whether it was a hoax is coming to a new museum of oddities in central New York.

  The museum founder, who believes in creationism, said the kitten is meant to launch another debate about how science and religion intersect.

  The Oregon woman who owned the kitten said she turned down Ripley's Believe it or Not! and sold the remains to John Adolfi of Granby because she liked his religious reasons for wanting them.

  "We didn't want Cy becoming a joke or part of a personal collection," Traci Allen said.

  "But John was so heartfelt, you could tell he was genuine and sincere."

  Adolfi would not say how much he paid for the kitten, named Cy, for Cyclops. He said he plans to have it embalmed Wednesday at a local funeral home.

  The kitten died in December, a day after being born. Veterinarians in Oregon said it suffered from a rare disorder called holoprosencephaly.

  Cy will be displayed in a glass jar in the Lost World Museum, which Adolfi hopes to open in nearby Phoenix this fall.

  Other exhibits will include giant plants and eggs, deformed animal remains and archaeological finds, Adolfi said.

美国独眼小猫遗体被卖 将在博物馆展出(图)





  去年12月,小猫夏可洛普司在出生后的第二天死亡。兽医说,死因为前脑无裂畸形症。 (文/蒋黎黎)



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