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小鱼啃脚趾 土耳其鱼医生造福日本人(图)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/04/20 20:07  国际在线



  The Japanese are known for eating more fish than any other nation in the world -- now fish may have a chance to get their own back.


  In a beauty treatment imported from Turkey, bathers at "Dr Fish", a new spa in the hot spring resort of Hakone, dip their feet into a warm pool teeming with fish that nibble away at dead skin and bacteria.

  这种没有牙齿、来自土耳其坎加尔的名为Garra rufa的小鱼只有几厘米长。在土耳其,这种小鱼温泉被誉为是治疗诸如牛皮癣等皮肤病的法宝。一些日本浴疗者表示,在享受小鱼温泉的时候,感觉会比较痒,但是并不疼。

  The toothless Kangal fish, just a few centimetres long, are touted as a cure for skin conditions such as psoriasis in Turkey, but for the hygiene-obsessed Japanese it's more about getting their feet squeaky clean.

  The experience is ticklish, rather than painful, bathers say.


  "They're eating the bad stuff and it makes me feel better," Shingo Kamiya, a 45-year-old customer at the spa said as the fish swarmed around his bare toes. (文/王高山)



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