我在政府部门工作 | ||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/05/06 18:08 北京市民讲外语活动组委会 | ||
I work in a government office. 我在政府部门工作。 A And what about you? What do you do? A 你呢?你做什么工作? B I work in a government office in west Beijing. B 我在北京西部的一个政府部门工作。 A Do you like your work? A 你喜欢你的工作吗? B Sometimes. It can be really interesting but sometimes it can be a bit boring. B 还行。有时候非常有趣,但有时候有点枯燥。 A I guess that’s like most jobs. A 我想这跟大多数工作一样。 B Yes, but overall it’s a good job. And I like the people I work with. B 是的,但总的说来是个好工作。而且我喜欢我的工作伙伴。 A That’s really important. Good colleagues can change everything. A 这是很重要的。好同事能改变一切。 Notes注释 1You can ask people what they feel about their work in various ways, e.g. Do you like your work? / Do you like your work?; Is your job interesting? / Is your job interesting? 你可以用不同的方法来问某人对他的工作感觉如何,例如:Do you like your work? / 你喜欢你的工作吗?; Is your job interesting? / 你的工作有意思吗? 2Remember, you can describe the nature of your work in various ways, e.g. It’s like most jobs. / It’s like most jobs. 记住,你可以用多种方法描述你工作的性质,例如:It’s like most jobs. /跟大多数工作一样。 3You can also describe different aspects of your work, e.g. I like the people I work with. / I like the people I work with. 你还可以描述你的工作的各个方面,例如:I like the people I work with. /我喜欢我的工作伙伴。
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