新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你认为故宫怎么样?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/05/09 20:03  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  What did you think of the Forbidden City?


  A Hi! How was your day?

  A 嗨!你今天过得好吗?

  B Very good, though I’m a bit tired after returning from the Forbidden City – so much walking!

  B 很好,尽管我从故宫回来有点累——走得太多了!

  A What did you think of the Forbidden City?

  A 你认为故宫怎么样?

  B I thought it was wonderful, but there were too many people, too many tourists.

  B 我认为故宫美极了,但是人太多了,游客太多了。

  A Yes, it can be very busy at this time of year.

  A 是的,一年的这个时候故宫总是非常热闹。

  B It’s too busy and too crowded for me. I want to go back when it is quieter.

  B 对我来说太闹了,太拥挤了。我想等它清净一些的时候再去看看。

  Notes 注释

  1 If you want to emphasise something, for instance, if something was too much, you can use too / too before the adjective, e.g. There were too many people. / There were too many people; It’s too busy and too crowded. / It’s too busy and too crowded.

  如果你想强调某事,例如某事太怎么样了,你可以在形容词前用too /太,例如:There were too many people. /人太多了; It’s too busy and too crowded. /太闹了,太拥挤了。

  2 Remember using the comparative form of the adjective when comparing things, e.g. I want to go back when it’s quieter / I want to go back when it’s quieter.

  记住当比较不同事物时用形容词的比较级,例如:I want to go back when it’s quieter. /我想等它清净一些的时候再去看看。

Key phrases and sentences


Hi!  How was your day?

Very good, though I’m a bit tired after returning from the Forbidden City – so much walking!

What did you think of the Forbidden City?

I thought it was wonderful, but there were too many people, too many tourists.

Yes, it can be very busy at this time of year.

It’s too busy and too crowded for me. 

I want to go back when it is quieter.




很好, 尽管我从故宫回来有点累——走得太多了!










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