新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我能预订去西安的旅程吗

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/05/24 19:05  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Can I book a trip to Xi’an?


  A Good morning! I’d like to book a trip to Xi’an.

  A 早上好!我想预订去西安的旅程。

  B When do you want to go?

  B 你想什么时候走?

  A Friday, if possible. And coming back on Sunday. Just a short trip.

  A 周五,如果可能的话。周日回来。只是一个短期的旅行。

  B OK, let me see. I think we can arrange that.

  B 好的,让我看看。我想我们可以安排。

  A Thanks.

  A 谢谢。

  B Here we are. From the hotel to the airport, flight at 11 o’clock on Friday morning, and two nights in hotel in Xi’an.

  B 你看这样。先从旅馆到飞机场,航班是周五上午11点的,在西安的旅馆住两个晚上。

  A That sounds ideal. And the return flight to Beijing is on Sunday.

  A 听起来非常理想。而且回北京的航班是周日的。

  Notes 注释

  1 If you want to book a journey, or a flight, you can say: I’d like to book a trip to Xi’an. / I’d like to book a trip to Xi’an.

  如果你想预订一个旅程或者飞机票,你可以说:I’d like to book a trip to Xi’an. /我想预订去西安的旅程。

  2 To give your departure and return dates, you can say: I’d like to go on Friday. / I’d like to go on Friday; And return on Sunday. / And return on Sunday.

  要给出你出发和返程的日期,你可以说:I’d like to go on Friday. / 我想周五走; And return on Sunday. / 周日回来。

  3 If you can fix something, you can say: I can arrange that. / I can arrange that; or I can fix that. / I can fix that.

  如果你能定下来,你可以说:I can arrange that. / 我可以安排; 或者I can fix that. / 我可以定下来; 或者I can organise that. /我能安排。

Key phrases and sentences


Good morning!  I’d like to book a trip to Xi’an.

  When do you want to go? 

Friday, if possible. 

And coming back on Sunday. 

Just a short trip.

OK, let me see. 

I think we can arrange that.


Here we are. 

From the hotel to the airport,

flight at 11 o’clock on Friday morning

and two nights hotel in Xi’an.

That sounds ideal. 

And the return flight to Beijing is on Sunday.
















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