新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 国际在线 > 娱乐双语:出演007让肖恩-康纳利精神错乱(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/05/26 14:26  新浪英语


  Bond star Sean Connery took LSD to help deal with the pressure of fame, his ex-wife claims.

  Diane Cilento said a psychiatrist gave him the mind-bending drug because he felt insecure and stressed after becoming a worldwide star. Connery was allegedly prescribed LSD after appearing in the third 007 film Goldfinger in 1964. At the time it had not been declared illegal. Cilento claims in her new book My Nine Lives: "Goldfinger was the most successful Bond film yet.

  "But the more successful Bond became, the more insecure Sean felt.

  "He was convinced he would never feel safe until he had ?1million in the bank."

  Cilento said the LSD made Connery, who was then 25, so ill he spent days in bed recovering.

  It also dredged up memories of his tough childhood in Edinburgh. She said: "Suddenly, Sean began to remember challenging childhood scenes.

  "I recall him telling me how he used to hide sweets, comics and chocolates, which he'd nicked when he pushed his baby brother's pram around the shops with his mother."

  My Nine Lives also deals with an allegation Connery assaulted Cilento during their marriage, which ended in 1973 - a claim he has always strenuously denied.

  Cilento, 72, recounts an incident, although she does not name Connery as the attacker.

  She writes: "I was a bit drunk. I felt a blow to my face and was knocked to the floor. I remember screaming and I think we were shouting. I got to my feet and tried to fight back but another blow sent me flying."

  Connery, 75, was unavailable for comment.










  不过,塞莱托在书中明确指出:“尽管一切已经过去这么久了,但在书中它们都栩栩如生,没有任何夸张。如果不是康纳利对殴打女人发表过这么多意见,我也根本不会说出来。” 但现年72岁的塞莱托在书中称,遭康纳利殴打只是一个偶然事件。(文/蒋黎黎)



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