新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 您想怎样付帐

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/02 19:01  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  How would you like to pay?


  A Good morning! I’d like to check out, please.

  A 早上好!我想结帐,办理退房手续。

  B Certainly. Room number?

  B 当然。房间号码是多少?

  A Six – one – five.

  A 6-1-5。

  B Mr. Clark. Thank you. How would you like to pay, Mr. Clark?

  B 克拉克先生。谢谢您。您想怎样付帐,克拉克先生?

  A Can I pay by credit card? Here’s my Visa card.

  A 我能用信用卡付帐吗?这是我的信用卡。

  B No problem. If you’d just like to check your bill, Mr. Clark, please sign here.

  B 没问题。如果您想查看帐单的话,请在这里签字,克拉克先生。

  A That’s all OK. Many thanks

  A 没问题。非常感谢。

  Notes 注释

  1 When you are leaving a hotel, you check out / check out, e.g. I’d like to check out, please. / I’d like to check out, please. When you arrive at a hotel (and at an airport for a flight) you check in / check in, e.g. Can I check in please? / Can I check in please?

  当你离开旅馆时,你要check out /结帐,办理退房手续,例如:I’d like to check out, please /我想结帐,办理退房手续。 当你入住旅馆时(以及在飞机场登机时)你要check in / 办理登记手续, 例如: Can I check in please? /我能办理登记手续吗?

  2 If you want to ask someone how they wish to pay (e.g. by cash or by credit card), you can say: How would you like to pay? / How would you like to pay? In a shop, you can ask if you can pay by card, by saying: Can I pay by credit card? / Can I pay be credit card?

  如果你想问某人愿意怎样付帐(例如用现金或者用信用卡),你可以说:How would you like to pay? /您想怎样付帐? 在商店里,你可以这样问你是否可以用卡付帐: Can I pay by credit card? /我能用信用卡付帐吗?

Key phrases and sentences


Excuse me,does the Hotel Business Centre arrange translators?

Yes, it does. 

Do you need a translator all day?

No, I only need to hire a translator for a meeting tomorrow. 

From 3 to 5 in the afternoon.

OK.  We can arrange that and book a translator for you.

That’s excellent.  It’s very helpful. 


You’re welcome. 

Please come to the Business Centre just before 3 o’clock.















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