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航班号是BA 038
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/09 03:06  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  The flight number is BA 038.

  航班号是BA 038。

  A I’m going to the airport tomorrow. My wife’s arriving from London.

  A 我明天要去机场。我妻子从伦敦来。

  B I hope she has a good time in Beijing.

  B 祝她在北京愉快。

  A Thanks. I’m sure she will. She’s really looking forward to it.

  A 谢谢。我肯定她会的。她非常期待来北京。

  B When does her flight arrive?

  B 她的航班几点到?

  A In the morning . . . about 9 o’clock, I think.

  A 上午. . .大约9点,我想。

  B You better be sure! Don’t be late for your wife. What’s the flight number

  B 你一定要把时间搞准。接你的妻子不要迟到。

  A Don’t worry. The flight number is BA 038. I’ll be there.

  A 别担心。航班号是BA 038。我会准时到那里的。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember you can talk about future plans by using going to . . . / going to . . . e.g.: I’m going to the airport tomorrow / I’m going to the airport tomorrow; I’m going to Shanghai next week / I’m going to Shanghai next week.

  记住谈论将来的计划你可以用going to . . . / 将要 . . .例如:I’m going to the airport tomorrow / 我明天将要去机场; I’m going to Shanghai next week /我下周将去上海。

  2 When you talk about flight numbers, you say each letter and number individually, (or you can say the number in full: e.g. B – A – oh - three – eight / B – A – oh – three – eight ; or B – A – thirty-eight / B – A – thirty-eight / C – A – one – two – five / C – A – one – two – five.

  当你谈论航班号码是,你要一个字母一个数字地分别说出来,(或者你可以把数字当成一个整体说出来: 例如 B – A – oh - three – eight / B – A – 0 – 3 – 8; 或者B – A – thirty-eight / B – A – 38/ C – A – one – two – five / C – A – 1 – 2 – 5。

Key phrases and sentences


I’m going to the airport tomorrow. 

My wife’s arriving from London.

I hope she has a good time in Beijing.

Thanks.  I’m sure she will.

She’s really looking forward to it.

When does her flight arrive?

In the morning . . . about 9 o’clock, I think.

You better be sure! 

Don’t be late for your wife.

Don’t worry.  The flight number is BA 038.  I’ll be there.









上午. . .大约9点,我想。




别担心。航班号是BA 038





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