新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你们还有其他什么颜色的

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/18 18:34  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  What other colours do you have?


  A Those silk scarves are lovely. Can I see the red and yellow ones?

  A 那些丝巾真漂亮。我能看看红色和黄色的吗?

  B Here they are. We have many more – in different sizes, styles and colours.

  B 给您。我们还有很多——各种尺寸、风格和颜色。

  A I like this one. It’s really nice. But I’m not so sure about the colour.

  A 我喜欢这条。真漂亮。但是我对颜色不是十分肯定。

  B Do you want to see some others?

  B 你想看看其它的吗?

  A Yes, please. What other colours do you have?

  A 是的。你们还有其他什么颜色的?

  B Oh, nearly everything . . . orange, purple, blue, green, red, yellow.

  B 哦,几乎各种颜色的都有. . .橘色的,紫色的,蓝色的,绿色的,红色的,黄色的。

  Notes 注释

  1 When you have already talked about something you can use one / one or ones / ones when you refer to it again, e.g.: Can I see the red ones, please? / Can I see the red ones, please: I like the smaller one / I like the smaller one.

  对你已经谈论过的东西可以用one / 它或者 ones / 它们来指代,例如: Can I see the red ones, please? / 我能看看红色的吗?: I like the smaller one / 我喜欢这件小一些的。

  2 When you talk about clothes, you generally talk about size / size: style / style; colour / colour and material / material.

  当你谈论衣服的时候,你通常要提到size / 尺寸: style / 风格; colour /颜色和 material /材料。

Key phrases and sentences


Those silk scarves are lovely. 

Can I see the red and yellow ones?

Here they are. 

We have many more – in different sizes, styles and colours.

I like this one.  It’s really nice. 

But I’m not so sure about the colour.

Do you want to see some others?

Yes, please.  What other colours do you have?

Oh, nearly everything . . . orange,

purple, blue, green, red, yellow.













哦,几乎各种颜色的都有. . .橘色的,紫色的,蓝色的,绿色的,红色的,黄色的。



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