心理学家划定世界幸福地图 丹麦人最幸福 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/08/01 18:56 国际在线 |
LONDON (Reuters) - If you're looking for happiness, go and live in Denmark. 如果你在寻找幸福,就去丹麦生活吧。 It is the happiest country in the world while Burundi in Africa is the most unhappy, according to a report by a British scientist released Friday. 英国一位科学家上周五(7月28日)公布的一份研究报告表明,丹麦是世界上最幸福的国家,而非洲的布隆迪则是最不幸福的国家。 Adrian White, an analytical social psychologist at the University of Leicester in central England, based his study on data from 178 countries and 100 global studies from the likes of the United Nations and the World Health Organization. 艾德里安·怀特是来自英格兰中部地区的莱斯特大学的一名社会分析心里学家。他根据178个国家的调查数据和来自联合国和世界卫生组织等100份全球研究资料对人们生活得幸福与否作了相关研究。 "We're looking much more at whether you are satisfied with your life in general," White told Reuters. "Whether you are satisfied with your situation and environment."The main factors that affected happiness were health provision, wealth and education, according to White who said his research had produced the "first world map of happiness." 怀特说:“我们主要着眼于你是否对你的生活大致满意,是否对你的生活情况和生活环境满意。”他认为,影响幸福的主要因素包括健康、财富和受教育的程度。怀特表示,他的研究划定出了“首份世界幸福地图”。 Following behind Denmark came Switzerland, Austria, Iceland and the Bahamas.At the bottom came the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe and Burundi. The United States came in at 23rd, Britain was in 41st place, Germany 35th and France 62nd. Countries involved in conflicts, such as Iraq, were not included. 排在丹麦之后的幸福国家是瑞士、奥地利、冰岛和巴哈马群岛。而排在“幸福名单”末尾的国家则是刚果民主共和国、津巴布韦和布隆迪。美国处于第23位,英国排在第41位,德国在第35位,法国位居第62位。像伊拉克那样涉及战乱冲突的国家则没有进入此次的幸福国家评选之中。 "Smaller countries tend to be a little happier because there is a stronger sense of collectivism and then you also have the aesthetic qualities of a country," White said. 怀特指出:“小国家的人民有更加幸福的趋势,因为这些国家的人有更强烈的集体主义感,以至于他们会注意到这个国家的优势。” "We were surprised to see countries in Asia scoring so low, with China 82nd, Japan 90th, and India 125th. These are countries that are thought as having a strong sense of collective identity which other researchers have associated with well-being." “我们惊讶地发现,亚洲国家的排名很低,中国排在第82位、日本第90位、印度在第125位。这些国家被认为拥有强烈的集体感,而一些研究者认为这一特征与幸福有关。” He admitted collecting data based on well-being was not an exact science, but said the measures used were very reliable in predicting health and welfare outcomes. 怀特承认,收集有关幸福的数据并不是一门确切的科学,但他指出,测量幸福的方式主要依赖于人们可预知的健康程度和财富收入。 |
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