新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你最多出多少钱

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/08/08 16:25  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  What’s your best price?


  A Excuse me, how much for the lacquer table?

  A 劳驾,这张瓷桌卖多少钱?

  B 800. Eight hundred yuan.

  B 800. 八百元。

  A I’ll give you five hundred.

  A 我出五百元。

  B Five hundred! This is a good quality table. 500 is no good. Seven hundred. You can have it for seven hundred.

  B 五百!这张桌子质量非常好。500 不行。七百。七百元可以卖给你。

  A No. Seven hundred is too expensive for me. No thanks.

  A 不,七百对我太贵了。不,谢谢。

  B OK. What’s your best price? 600? I’ll give it to you for six hundred.

  B 好的。你最多出多少钱? 600? 我600元就给你。

  A 600? OK, I’ll take it for six hundred.

  A 600? 好吧,我600元买了。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember how you can ask the price of something, using How much . . ? / How much . . ? e.g.How much for the lacquer table? / How much for the lacquer table? (or How much is the lacquer table? / how much is the lacquer table?)

  记住怎样询问某物的价格,用How much . . ? / . .多少钱?例如:How much for the lacquer table? /这张瓷桌卖多少钱? (或者 How much is the lacquer table? /这张瓷桌卖多少钱?)

  2 Remember the numbers : hundred / hundred;thousand / thousand; million / million, e.g.It costs six hundred yuan / It costs six hundred yuan; The airticket is about two thousand yuan / The airticket is about two thousand yuan ;There are millions of people in Beijing / There are millions of people in Beijing.

  记住数字:hundred / 百;thousand / 千;million /百万, 例如: It costs six hundred yuan / 它花了600元;The airticket is about two thousand yuan / 机票大约是2000元;There are millions of people in Beijing /北京有千百万人。

Key phrases and sentences


Excuse me, how much for the lacquer table?

800.  Eight hundred yuan.

I’ll give you five hundred.

Five hundred!  This is a good quality table.  500 is no good. 

Seven hundred.  You can have it for seven hundred.

No.  Seven hundred is too expensive for me.  No thanks.

OK.  What’s your best price?

600?  I’ll give it to you for six hundred.

600?  OK, I’ll take it for six hundred.





800.  八百元。



500 不行。








 600 600元就给你。


600?  好吧,我600元买了。




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