施瓦辛格如何扭转不堪一击的政治局面(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/08/15 10:43 钱江晚报 |
Schwarzenegger with his supporters 施瓦辛格和他的支持者 How Schwarzenegger Turned It Around Aug 10 It has been a very good summer for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, politically speaking. With three months to go until his re-election, the Republican governor is mounting a comeback. Just last fall he seemed imminently beatable. According to results from the latest statewide Field Poll, as of July Schwarzenegger's job approval rating had rebounded to 49%, from 36% a year ago. Most importantly, the poll showed that after trailing his Democratic opponent, State Treasurer Phil Angelides, in voter preference surveys throughout the summer and fall of 2005, the Governor now leads by 8 points, 45% to 37%. "Voters are responding to the Governor's positive and optimistic message," says his campaign communications director, Katie Levinson. Republican strategists attribute the turnaround to Schwarzenegger’s return to the centrist persona that got him elected. He has made a show of distancing himself from the unpopular President Bush, including rejecting a White House request to boost the number of California National Guardsmen patrolling the border. Schwarzenegger also extended a loan to fund stem cell research in the state following a Bush veto of a federal funding bill. Additionally, he has worked with the Democratic-controlled legislature to get four bond proposals on the fall ballot intended to finance his multibillion-dollar infrastructure overhaul plan. Then there was the surprise windfall: an unexpected spike in tax revenues from the improving state economy allowed him to repay money to schools that he had borrowed to help balance the budget. |
双语新闻:看施瓦辛格如何扭转政治局面(图) |
对于加州州长阿诺德-施瓦辛格来说,在政治上这是个不错的夏天。他的任期只有3个月了。这位共和党州长正在重整旗鼓。就在去年秋天他似乎还不堪一击。根据最近在全州范围内的实地民调结果,到7月份,对施瓦辛格工作的认可率已经从一年前的36%回升到49%。最重要的是民调显示,在2005年夏季和秋季的选民倾向性调查中落后于他的民主党对手、加州财政部长费尔-安杰里德斯之后,州长目前以45%对37%领先8%。他的竞选联络主任凯迪·勒文森说:“选民们对于州长积极、乐观的信息做出了回应。” 共和党战略家们将这一转变归功于施瓦辛格还原了他的温和派形象,正是这一点助他当上了州长。他也表现出了要远离不受欢迎的布什总统,包括拒绝白宫要加州增派在边境巡逻的国民警卫队人数的要求。在布什总统否决了一项由联邦政府资助干细胞研究的法案后,施瓦辛格延长了对在本州内进行干细胞研究的一项贷款。此外,他还和民主党控制的议会合作,使得四项债券提案得到了在秋季投票表决的机会,这些债券将用于耗资数十亿美元的基础设施翻修计划。还有一项意外的收获,由于加州经济的改善,税收意外地增加了,这使得他能够偿还他为平衡预算而向学校借的钱。 |
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