新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 别担心。我可以打辆出租

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/06 19:57  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Don’t worry. I’ll catch a taxi.


  A If you watch the football match on TV with me, how will you get home?

  A 如果你和我一起看电视转播的足球赛,你怎么回家?

  B I haven’t thought about that. When will the game finish on TV?

  B 我还没考虑。电视转播什么时候结束?

  A About 10 o’clock in the evening, I think.

  A 大约晚上10点,我想。

  B Maybe I’ll take the bus home, or the metro.

  B 也许我会坐公共汽车回家,或者地铁。

  A Take a taxi. You’ll be tired after a long day of cycling.

  A 坐出租车吧。骑了一天的自行车之后你会很累的。

  B OK. Don’t worry. I’ll take a taxi.

  B 好的。别担心。我可以打辆出租。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember the simple responses to questions about the future, e.g. How will you get home? I’ll take the bus home / How will you get home? I’ll take the bus home.

  记住对关于将来事情的问题的简单回答。例如:How will you get home? I’ll take the bus home /你怎么回家?我坐公共汽车回家。

  2 You can use after / after in these ways: You’ll be tired after a long day of cycling / You’ll be tired after a long day of cycling : You’ll be late after working until 9 / You’ll be late after working until 9 : I’ll go home after the football / I’ll go home after the football.

  你可以这样使用after /在...之后。You’ll be tired after a long day of cycling /骑了一天的自行车之后你会很累的。 : You’ll be late after working until 9 / 工作到9点你会来不及的。 : I’ll go home after the football /我看完足球赛后回家。

Key phrases and sentences


If you watch the football match on TV with me, how will you get home?

I haven’t thought about that. 

When will the game finish on TV?

About 10 o’clock in the evening, I think.

Maybe I’ll take the bus home, or the metro.

Take a taxi. 

You’ll be tired after a long day of


OK.  Don’t worry.  I’ll take a taxi.
















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