新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 沪江英语喜迎百万用户 外语学习显新模式

沪江英语喜迎百万用户 外语学习显新模式
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/20 10:33  沪江英语

  HJenglish.com, embracing her 1,000,000th registered user

  Later this month, HJenglish.com, one of the most popular foreign language study websites in China, is opening her arms to her one millionth registered user, which will make HJenglish.com the first educational site whose users outnumber one million.

  “HJ is so great. I’m expecting the one millionth registered HU YOU (Nickname for whose who have registered on HJenglish.com) as well,” said a veteran user. “Just do not abuse your posts.”

  As a staff member disclosed previously, the user will be given a numbered HJ T-shirt as a reward and entitled “HJ Lucky Member”.

  “I registered on HJbbs.com 3 years ago. There were no contents for Japanese and French study then, not to mention Korean and Spanish. Now, HJ is making tremendous progress in every aspect. It is not just a BBS, but an online community including blog and bulo, where users can freely communicate with one another. Besides, I’ve found some HU YOUs, who live in the same city with me, which gives me the reason to stay,” said a user.

  Now, you can hardly find any excuse for your poor language skills!








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