新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 晚上我在餐馆工作

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/29 21:55  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I work in a restaurant in the evenings.


  A Are you free to meet tomorrow tonight?

  A 你明晚有时间见面吗?

  B I’m afraid not. I work in a restaurant in the evenings.

  B 恐怕没有。晚上我在餐馆工作。

  A Every evening? Surely you have some evenings free.

  A 每天晚上吗?总有几个晚上你有空吧。

  B Yes, of course I do. I’ve got two nights off each week.

  B 是的,当然了。我每周有两个晚上不用上班。

  A But not tomorrow night . . . when are you next free?

  A 但是明天晚上不行. . .你下次什么时候有空?

  B I’m free the day after tomorrow. We could meet Thursday evening.

  B 我后天有空。我们可以在周四晚上见面。

  Notes 注释

  1 When you are talking about spare time or free time, there are various things you can say, e.g.: Are you free tomorrow? / Are you free tomorrow?; Do you have any evenings free? / Do you have any evenings free?; I’m free on Friday / I’m free on Friday.

  当你在谈论业余或者空闲时间时,你可以用几种不同的说法。例如:Are you free tomorrow? /你明天有空吗?;Do you have any evenings free? / 你哪天晚上有空吗?;I’m free on Friday /我周五有空。

  2 In terms of work, you talk about time off / time off, e.g.: I’ve got two nights off this week / I’ve got two nights off this week; I’ve got the weekend off / I’ve got the weekend off; Do you have any time off today? / Do you have any time off today?

  就工作而言,你谈论time off /不上班。例如:I’ve got two nights off this week /本周我两个晚上不上班;I’ve got the weekend off /周末我不上班;Do you have any time off today? /你今天有空闲时间吗?

  3 Remember more phrases to do with time, e.g.: tomorrow night / tomorrow night; the day after tomorrow / the day after tomorrow.

  记住更多和时间有关的短语。例如:tomorrow night / 明晚; the day after tomorrow /后天。

Key phrases and sentences


Are you free to meet tomorrow tonight?

I’m afraid not. 

I work in a restaurant in the evenings.

Every evening?  Surely you have some evenings free.

Yes, of course I do. 

I’ve got two nights off each week.

But not tomorrow night . . . OK, when are you next free?

I’m free the day after tomorrow. 

We could meet Thursday evening.












但是明天晚上不行. . .好吧,你下次什么时候有空?






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